Investigation Detectably higher life expectancy due to Mediterranean food

Investigation Detectably higher life expectancy due to Mediterranean food / Health News
Mediterranean cuisine as a recommendation for a long, healthy life
The Mediterranean diet has some health benefits compared to our domestic diet, with the cardiovascular system in particular benefiting from the Mediterranean cuisine. "Mediterranean cuisine carries the most important components of a heart-healthy diet," stresses Professor Dr. med. med. Helmut Gohlke from the board of the German Heart Foundation. In the new guidebook "Living longer through Mediterranean cuisine: dream or reality?", The German Heart Foundation has presented in detail the benefits of the Mediterranean diet.

"Those who consistently eat the recipes of the Mediterranean cuisine - preferably as early as childhood - will contribute to better vascular function in young adulthood and thus reduce their risk of heart attack, stroke, as well as other chronic conditions such as cancer and diabetes", explains the cardiologist Prof. Gohlke. The new guidebook explains the effects of the individual food constituents on the cardiovascular system in an easily understandable way. This aims to increase life expectancy through healthy eating habits.

The German Heart Foundation informs in a new guidebook in detail about the benefits of the Mediterranean diet. (Image: kab-vision /

Mediterranean cuisine recommended by medical professionals
How do carbohydrates work and why should complex rather than empty carbohydrates be taken here? What effect do fats have and why are unsaturated healthier than saturated ones? What are omega-3 fatty acids and which fish has more, which one less? These and other questions are discussed in detail in the guide of the German Heart Foundation. The Mediterranean cuisine is the focus here, because it is not only particularly healthy, but also joins enjoyable cooking and eating with the benefits for the health. Today, the traditional Mediterranean cuisine is recommended by cardiologists as well as doctors for cancer and nervous system diseases.

Favorable effects for the heart and circulation
Typical features of the Mediterranean cuisine, as propagated by the German Heart Foundation, are a high proportion of vegetables, lettuce, legumes, fruits and whole grains, a lower proportion of meat and more fish, plenty of olive or rapeseed oil and more spices or herbs instead of salt. Although many people have a "bland diet" in mind, the Mediterranean cuisine offers enjoyment and delicious food in a wide variety, "which offers many opportunities to combine nutritional components with different beneficial effects on the heart and circulation" the message of the German Heart Foundation.

Preventive effects against heart attacks, CHD and strokes
Vegetables, fruits, legumes and whole grains of the Mediterranean cuisine provide important complex carbohydrates and fiber, vitamins and phytochemicals (highly effective micronutrients such as in paprika, broccoli, tomatoes, radishes and blackberries), explain the experts of the German Heart Foundation. Vegetables, lettuce, legumes, fruits and herbs have a protective effect on coronary heart disease (CHD), heart attacks and strokes. Which individual ingredients play a role, but remain unclear. "It is the overall product that has a positive effect," explains Prof. Gohlke.

Benefits of reduced meat consumption
The reduced meat consumption and its replacement by fish and legumes such as beans, lentils or peas, which also have a high protein content, according to the expert, in turn, has a positive effect. Many people would eat more animal protein than necessary (0.8 to 1 gram per kilogram of normal weight per day is enough for adults) and the increased protein consumption could damage kidney function. Vegetable protein from soybean contains all the essential amino acids in sufficient quantities to ensure a complete diet, and is a good alternative to meat.

High proportion of healthy fats
With regard to fats, it is important, according to the German Heart Foundation, to pay attention to healthy fats and to avoid unhealthy fats. For example, the consumption of fats is more dependent on the distribution of different types of fats than on the total quantity. Studies have shown that polyunsaturated fats (eg omega-3 fatty acids in fish) and monounsaturated fats (in olive oil, rapeseed oil, peanut oil, avocados, almonds), as provided by Mediterranean cuisine, have lower levels Associated with heart attack and stroke risk. Saturated fats, for example, in meat, sausage and bacon, on the other hand, would have an unfavorable effect because they increase the health-damaging LDL cholesterol and the clotting activity in the blood, reports the German Heart Foundation. "By doing so, they promote CHD and increase the risk of heart attack and stroke," says Professor Gohlke.

Favorable effect on life expectancy
An exception is the saturated fats from the milk of cows, sheep and goats, which are judged rather cheap. Also, the trans fat contained in the milk is not attributable to an unfavorable effect. Basically, fish has an important health benefit because of the contained omega-3 fatty acids, which, among other things, have an anti-inflammatory effect and reduce the stickiness of the platelets. According to Professor Gohlke, "omega-3 fatty acids have a favorable effect on life expectancy and protect against CHD and heart attack ..." Overall, the Mediterranean diet therefore shows extensive health benefits, which also give hope for increased life expectancy. (Fp)