All articles - Page 2324

19 health insurance companies pay premiums to insured persons

Millions of people insured receive premiums 02/10/2013 Many statutory health insurances want to repay their insured person a premium of...

19 health insurance companies want to pay premium

09/24/2012 Last week, the Techniker Krankenkasse (TK) and the Hanseatische Krankenkasse (HEK) announced that part of the billions of surpluses...

19 children in the summer camp suffer from vomiting diarrhea

Norovirus suspicion in summer camp: 19 children suffering from vomiting diarrhea 19 children and three caregivers contracted vomiting diarrhea on...

19,000 hospital deaths Has the AOK greatly exaggerated?

Information in the AOK hospital report incorrect? - DKG contradicts the number of 19,000 deaths due to faulty hospital treatment...

18 students at Sportfest collapsed due to heat

Due to the heat, 18 students collapsed at a sports festival in Leverkusen. They complained of circulatory or respiratory problems....

18-year-old dies after Diablo-3 marathon session

After 40 hours of Diablo 3 games at the internet café, a teenager dies from a cardiovascular collapse 07/18/2012 Computer...

17 patients in one night Deadly danger from toadstools

Doctors warn of dangerous tuber fungus / refugees and Ayslsuchende particularly affected: Alone 17 poisonings in one nightThe mushroom season...

17-year-old daughter and mother were suffering from cancer at the same time

Musculoskeletal and breast cancer: 17-year-old woman and her mother become ill almost simultaneouslyIn Australia, a 17-year-old girl and her mother...

Live 17 years longer through healthy lifestyle

Who to alcohol, cigarettes and red meat „no thanks“ says, lives up to 17 years longer 08/14/2014 Alcohol, cigarettes and...