Alternative medicine and methods of treatment of diseases.
Useful information about the natural treatment of diseases. Alternative medicine.
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Virus therapy prolongs the life of patients with brain cancer
Manipulated virus can prolong life for people with relapsed glioblastomaThe treatment of a so-called relapsing glioblastoma is usually extremely difficult....
Virus or bacteria? New test should enable fast detection
Researchers are developing methods for rapid detection of the pathogen typeAntibiotics only work for a bacterial infection, they are absolutely...
Virus infection is a trigger for many women's infertility
A virus in the uterine lining seems to cause infertility in many womenIt seems finally an explanation for the infertility...
Virus Greek dies from dengue fever
First fatality in Greece: Dengue fever continues to spread 08/09/2012 An 84-year-old Greek died of dengue fever with high probability....
Virus kills 255 cattle in Rheiderland
Doctors warn about the dangers of BHV1 In Rheiderland, a virus called BHV1 has appeared in various farms. So far,...
Virtual therapy can help people overcome their fear of heights
How does a virtual therapy affect the fear of heights?? Some people develop fear of heights at some point in...
Virtual Doctors Artificial intelligence detects many eye diseases
Artificial intelligence is said to recognize more than 50 eye diseases Eye diseases are among the leading causes of vision...
Virtual reality could be an effective therapy for mental illness
Computer programs can help in the treatment of paranoia and other phobiasMental illnesses are usually very difficult to treat. Thus,...
Virologists picking at the mumps
Virologists warn against picking, not just measles: warning of mumps 07/13/2013 In addition to measles, mumps in Germany are also...
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