Virologists picking at the mumps

Virologists picking at the mumps / Health News

Virologists warn against picking, not just measles: warning of mumps


In addition to measles, mumps in Germany are also increasing. Experts therefore recommend vaccination. After many Germans have advocated vaccination because of the significant increase in measles disease, the Society for Virology (GfV) now also advises against mumps. The GfV warned that the infectious viral infection in adolescents and young adults in Germany is increasing. Since 2012, mumps, colloquially called also Ziegenpeter, a notifiable disease.

Especially adolescents and young adults affected by picking
Implück would lead to outbreaks, which are increasingly affected over 16-year-olds. At the same time, the complication rate increases at this age. The Gfv advises above all the vintages from 1970 to check their vaccine protection. Thus, for those who had no or only one vaccine, urgently recommended a one-time vaccination.

Typical symptoms of mumps disease
Mumps is usually transmitted by droplet infection. The average incubation period is 16 to 18 days. Mumps is highly contagious in the absence of vaccine protection. While many mumps infections have no apparent symptoms, others present with fever, sore throats, headaches, and the typical swelling of the parotid gland, which can cause severe pain, especially when chewing. Under certain circumstances, other salivary glands, including the pancreas, are also affected, which can result in severe abdominal pain (upper abdomen) and greasy diarrhea (fat stool).

Combined measles mumps vaccine
You can now get vaccinated in Germany with a quadruple vaccine against measles and mumps. This also protects against rubella and chickenpox. Vaccinations are recommended by the Standing Vaccination Commission (STIKO) of the Robert Koch Institute for various diseases and groups of people. Last year, the STIKO decided to vaccinate teachers and nurses in general against mumps. The change in vaccination recommendations was the result of a mumps eruption in 2011 at a primary school in Nuremberg, where it was found that some teachers had no vaccine protection against the disease. This had significantly promoted the spread of the diseases. (Ad)

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