Virtual reality could be an effective therapy for mental illness

Virtual reality could be an effective therapy for mental illness / Health News
Computer programs can help in the treatment of paranoia and other phobias
Mental illnesses are usually very difficult to treat. Thus, medical professionals are looking for more and more reliable treatment methods. Especially a occurring paranoia makes the sufferers a participation in everyday life almost impossible. Now, researchers found that with the help of so-called Virtual Reality (VR) devices, it is possible to take away many of their worries and lead a normal life.

When people suffer from paranoia (often referred to as persecution delusions), they find it very difficult to participate in normal life. Those affected suffer from a systematized delusion, experience their environment as consumed and are often very suspicious. Researchers at the University of Oxford have now determined that using virtual reality devices can effectively treat patients with paranoia. The researchers published the results of their study in the journal "The British Journal of Psychiatry".

Scientists have now found that with the help of so-called virtual reality devices mental illnesses such as paranoia can be effectively treated. (Image: Syda Productions /

New test allows better confrontation with existing fears
In their research, the researchers analyzed the data from thirty subjects who usually had big problems dealing with other people. For example, the test subjects felt insecure and uncomfortable when they had to stand in an elevator and were surrounded by other people, the experts explain. Within the new study, participants in virtual reality were exposed to such a situation in order to learn how to interact properly and feel safer again.

At the beginning of the test, there were only a few virtual persons in the elevator with the subject. The doctors were then able to insert more and more persons generated by the computer into the scene. Thus, it was possible for the patients to continue to deal with their fears, explain the experts. At the end of the study, about twenty percent of all participants had no signs of severe paranoia. This value even rose to about 50 percent, if the subjects were encouraged to give up their usual defensive behavior, add the physicians.

Virtual reality could provide help with various phobias
Unfortunately too often paranoia leads to isolation, mistrust and deep distress. Those affected suffer from a distorted perception of their environment. They then feel that other people are taking an extremely hostile attitude towards their person, explain the researchers. The consequences range from an aggressive mistrust to the illusion of a conspiracy against the patient.

The extremely positive results of the current study show that there is a new way to treat this disease, says lead author Professor Daniel Freeman of the Oxford University Department of Psychiatry. The physicians suggest that the use of VR devices could also help with other phobias.

Virtual reality provides a safe environment for desensitization
People with a phobia have learned this behavior, so to speak piece by piece. The patients associate an occurring anxiety reaction with situations that are not objectively dangerous, explain the physicians. Phobias can be treated through the mediation of certain relaxation techniques, then gradually the fears are reduced. However, this is a very slow process, say the authors.

With the help of so-called virtual reality devices, it is now possible for patients to actually suspend situations that would normally be unbearable for them. However, this confrontation happens in a safe environment, so patients gradually become desensitized, the researchers add.

Virtual reality devices will greatly change tourism and our healthcare
Several more virtual reality devices will hit the market this year, including the Oculus Rift and the HTC Vive. Most of these devices will be used primarily for computer games, but the development of such devices also affects many other parts of our lives. For example, tourism, our educational system and health care will benefit greatly from virtual reality in the future, say the experts. (As)