Alternative medicine and methods of treatment of diseases.
Useful information about the natural treatment of diseases. Alternative medicine.
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Vitamin D deficiency in winter
Lack of sun can lead to vitamin D deficiency in winter 24/10/2014 Many people suffer from vitamin D deficiency without...
Vitamin D deficiency in old age - Half of the over 65 year old affected
Vitamin deficiency: every second over 65 years has too little vitamin D in the blood Only recently, the "Study on...
Vitamin D deficiency causes an increased risk of death
Deficiency of the sun hormone leads to increased mortality 21/11/2014 Vitamin D plays a crucial role in various processes in...
Vitamin D deficiency increases bladder cancer risk, according to medical experts
Physicians find a link between vitamin D deficiency and bladder cancerGenerally, many people suffer from vitamin deficiencies. Also vitamin D...
Vitamin D deficiency increases the risk of dementia
Protects the sunshine vitamin from Alzheimer's and dementia? 08/08/2014 A lack of vitamin D apparently increases the risk of dementia...
Vitamin D deficiency due to obscurations
Study: Veiling can cause vitamin D deficiency 22.08.2011 While the veiling of the body has always been regarded as more...
Vitamin D deficiency in pregnant women
Women in pregnancy often have vitamin D deficiency 05/25/2013 In Germany, pregnant women and their unborn children are usually not...
Vitamin D deficiency favors Parkinson's
Study: Obvious link between vitamin D deficiency and Parkinson's Disease discovered. (13.07.2010) Finnish researchers have found a link between the...
Vitamin D Deficiency - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
Vitamin D deficiency is normal during the fall and winter months and leads to depressive symptoms. In the past, physicians...
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