Vitamin D deficiency in old age - Half of the over 65 year old affected

Vitamin D deficiency in old age - Half of the over 65 year old affected / Health News

Vitamin deficiency: every second over 65 years has too little vitamin D in the blood

Only recently, the "Study on adult health in Germany" showed that the vitamin D supply in Germany is inadequate. Researchers at the Helmholtz Zentrum München now point out that older people in particular are affected. According to the experts, every second over 65 years has too little vitamin D in the blood. In addition, one in four people have a vitamin B12 deficiency.

Many seniors suffer from vitamin D deficiency

The body needs vitamin D especially for bone metabolism. However, as scientific studies repeatedly show, many Germans suffer from vitamin D deficiency. Especially seniors are affected. Thus, a study in the Augsburg Population Study KORA Age now comes to the conclusion that every second over 65 has too little vitamin D in the blood. In addition, one in four people have a vitamin B12 deficiency, as the authors of Helmholtz Zentrum München report in the journal "Nutrients".

According to a recent study, every second person over the age of 65 suffers from vitamin D deficiency. Those affected can help, among other things, the regular intake of vitamin supplements. (Image: Gina Sanders /

Supply of elderly people with vitamins

The cooperative health research in the Augsburg region (KORA) has been examining the health of thousands of citizens from the Augsburg area for more than 30 years.

The goal is to understand the health effects of environmental factors, behavior and genes.

"In this context, we were also interested in the supply situation of older people with micronutrients such as vitamins," explains study leader PD Dr. med. Barbara Thorand from the Institute of Epidemiology (EPI) at Helmholtz Zentrum München in a statement.

"For this, the study situation in Germany is so far relatively thin," said the expert.

Vitamin B12 deficiency

Accordingly, the scientists examined blood samples from a total of 1,079 KORA participants between the ages of 65 and 93 years. They focused their analysis on the levels of vitamin D, folic acid, vitamin B12 and iron.

"The results are quite clear," says first author Romy Conzade. "52 percent of the subjects were below the limit for vitamin D of 50 nmol / L and are thus suboptimal supplied."

And for the other parameters, the scientists also found a significant undersupply:

Thus, the vitamin B12 values ​​of 27 percent of the participants were below target, at eleven percent the iron value was too low and just under nine percent had too little folic acid in their blood.

EPI Director Prof. dr. Annette Peters cites the data: "The current study, using blood analyzes, confirms the critical outcome of the recent National Ingestion Study II, which resulted in insufficient dietary micronutrient intake. This is a highly relevant topic, especially with regard to our aging society. "

Regular intake of vitamin supplements

Common features of most people with a shortage were very old age, lack of exercise and frailty.

In these groups, therefore, attention should be paid to a possible undersupply of micronutrients, explain the researchers.

Vitamin D is normally produced in the body with the help of sunbeams. Therefore, it is sufficient in the warm months to soak up the sun. But this is hardly possible in the cold season. Therefore, many people resort to nutritional supplements.

Thorand also explains that their study shows that "taking regular vitamin supplements is associated with better supply of the right vitamins."

However, dietary supplements with vitamin D are not recommended for all people, experts at the Apothekerkammer Niedersachsen warned recently.

And the drug commission of the German medical profession (AkdÄ) pointed out that it can also lead to an overdose with vitamin D supplements.

Thorand also limits: "The intake of vitamin supplements, however, is not a panacea and especially the elderly should pay particular attention to a healthy and nutritious diet." (Ad)