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Bird flu causes bottlenecks in egg supply

Due to the bird flu, the eggs are also scarce in German trade 19/11/2014 As a result of the outbreak...

Bird flu outbreak officially ended

Minister of Agriculture declared the outbreak of bird flu to be over 07/02/2015 After the outbreak of bird flu in...

Completely new therapy against spider anxiety

New method allows manipulation of fearsAre you one of those people who are afraid of spiders? Do not you dare...

Feeling of fullness Instead of liquor better mint tea

This helps with feelings of fullness 19/12/2013 At Christmas, it's not just reflective. In addition to freshly baked cookies Most...

VLK Draft of thinning hospital landscape

VLK: "Draft of thinning hospital landscape"Professor Weiser, President of the Association of Senior Hospital Physicians (VLK) of Germany, has designated...

Vitamin richest winter vegetables Tasty kale protects us well from diseases

Trendy vegetables: kale contains many healthy ingredientsKale is especially popular in northern Germany. But in other regions, the winter vegetables...

Vitamin rich winter salad with dandelions

Healthy dandelion salad as a vitamin supplier in winter 08/01/2015 Dandelion is rated by many hobby gardeners as annoying weeds,...

Vitamin supplements bring no health benefits - except for this important exception

Which supplements protect your health? Many people take so-called supplements in order to avoid possible deficiencies and to improve their...

Vitamin supplements offer no protection against strokes and heart attacks

Vitamins and Co: Dietary supplements useless against heart attack and stroke Many Germans regularly take supplements. However, experts point out...