Feeling of fullness Instead of liquor better mint tea
This helps with feelings of fullness
At Christmas, it's not just reflective. In addition to freshly baked cookies Most experience bloating belly bloating, especially if you have eaten to fatty food. Especially with fast food, a lot of air is swallowed, which in addition to the feeling of fullness leads to bloating. So what should you do if you hit the strings too hard? There are a lot of well-meant advices. But they really help too?
Liquor is the wrong choice
Often with a bloated belly advised to drink a liquor or liqueur afterwards. As a rule, it helps quickly to get rid of the unpleasant feeling of fullness, because alcohol has a relaxing effect on the stomach muscles. But schnapps is ultimately not a good choice. It also causes the stomach contents to "reach the intestine more slowly and use the digestive system later," explains nutrition expert Michaela Bänsch from the German University for Prevention and Health Management / BSA Academy in Saarbrücken. So the alcohol can even favor the feeling of fullness, because the stomach muscles pump less than it otherwise is the case. And the high percentage of schnapps, the slower it is digested. The alcohol helps is more of a myth.
Teas relieve the feeling of fullness
Tees can help to put an end to the feeling of fullness. Simply boil some hot water with tea leaves of fennel, caraway or anise. Also recommended are herbal bittering agents such as angelica root or gentian root. If that's not enough, you can take a little walk in addition. The digestion is activated. Even natural home remedies for flatulence are very good.
But already during the meal something can be done. By taking your time and chewing the food well, the digestive system helps the gastrointestinal tract. Heat can also help relieve the stomach. Simply put a hot water bottle or a warm cherry stone pillow on your stomach after eating. No matter which remedy you choose, it is best to just measure so that the feeling of fullness can not arise. This is certainly not easy with all the goodies. (Fr)