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Significant increase in outpatient surgery

Number of outpatient surgery in things has increased significantly 07/15/2013 In the last ten years, the number of outpatient operations...

Distinctive features That's what women really like on the male penis

Study shows that women find the male pen niceMen wonder, what makes a beautiful penis. Is it the length, the...

Clear evidence of a link between mobile phone radiation and cancer

Trigger mobile phones cancer? A long-standing US study on the effects of radio wave radiation emitted by mobile phones has...

Significant gender differences in heart disease

Women are less likely to suffer from heart failure than men According to the current heart report, one in four...

Significantly fewer abortions in 2012

Number of abortions decreases by 5.5 percent 13.12.2012 The number of abortions in Germany fell by 5.5 percent in the...

Significantly falling cancer death rates in the US

Cancer death rates in the US dropped 25 percentIn the United States, the number of cancer deaths has declined significantly...

Significantly declining number of pharmacies

Number of pharmacies reached lowest level since 1994 31.01.2013 The number of pharmacies is falling with increasing speed, warns the...

Significantly more wasps this year

Significantly increased number of wasps: how to protect yourself from the insects? 25/08/2011 Due to the relatively warm weather conditions...

Significantly more life through jogging An hour of running prolongs life by a good seven hours

Running is the most effective sport for extending your lifeThe health-promoting effect of running has often been the focus of...