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The new anti-cancer diet

The new anti-cancer diet“ has been published in third edition08/26/2014 Only two years after the first publication of the compact...

The naturopathy of Neanderthals

Even Neanderthals knew the healing effects of natural medicineThe upper jawbone of a Neanderthal man from El Sidrón in Spain...

The nose

The nose is part of the human airway. It is divided into the area of ​​the outer and inner nose....

The nose perceives a trillion odors

The sense of smell of humans is much more sensitive than expected 03/21/2014 The human nose can distinguish over a...

The human diet leads to catastrophic damage to our planet

Impact of our global form of nutrition Experts now argue that humanity's production and consumption of food must radically change...

Most students cheat in college

Violations of the examination regulations are no exception according to a study 08/14/2012 Cheating in the study is not an...

Most toys loaded with pollutants

80 percent of children's toys are contaminated with pollutants. This resulted in an investigation of the Stiftung Warentest.A large proportion...

Most over-the-counter painkillers can be deadly

Frivolous intake of over-the-counter painkillers carries considerable risksOver-the-counter painkillers are found today in most household pharmacies. They are often used...

Most patients would recommend a doctor

Most German patients would recommend their doctor 09/07/2013 According to a recent evaluation of the rating portal „White list“ Most...