All articles - Page 1813

Electronic health card soon duty

From January 2014, the new health card will be required 18/10/2013 As of 1 January 2014, insured persons must present...

Electronic health card from October 2011

The electronic health card of health insurance will be issued from October 2011 25/02/2011 The new electronic health card (eGK)...

Electronic health card from Jan 2014 duty

Court ruling on electronic health card 16/11/2013 The electronic health card (eGK) was supposed to replace the old health insurance...

Electrolytes New estimates of sodium, chloride and potassium

New reference levels for sodium, chloride and potassium: Estimates are for adequate intakeThe German Society for Nutrition (DGE) has updated...

Electroconvulsive therapy for depression

Depression: Electroconvulsive therapy reduces hyperconnectivity in the brain 21/03/2012 Scottish researchers have studied the use of so-called electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)...

Electroacupuncture effective in dysmenorrhea

07/23/2014 Study: Electroacupuncture with dysmenorrhea: Electroacupuncture can easily relieve the pain of primary dysmenorrhea. This is the conclusion of a...

Electric cigarette with carcinogenic substances

Electric cigarette contains carcinogenic substances 01/12/2011 Contrary to the previous assumption, e-cigarettes pose a significant health risk not only to...

Electric cigarette is health risky

NRW Health Minister warns: Electric cigarette is hazardous to health 12/17/2011 If electric cigarettes contain nicotine, they are at least...

Electric cigarette harmless to health?

The electric cigarette also carries health risks 09/12/2011 Electric cigarettes are enjoying growing popularity in Germany, although the health benefits...