Electrolytes New estimates of sodium, chloride and potassium
The German Society for Nutrition (DGE) has updated the reference levels for the intake of sodium, chloride and potassium. The estimates are based on new scientific data, informs the DGE. They are no longer given as before for the minimum supply, but for an adequate supply. For sodium, a daily intake of 1,500 mg is now considered appropriate for adults. For chloride it is 2,300 mg and for potassium 4,000 mg. For breastfeeding, the estimate of adequate potassium intake is 4,400 mg / day due to increased demand.
Sodium, chloride and potassium are vital to the body. They are among the most important electrolytes and regulate the water and acid-base balance.
(Image: monropic / fotolia.com)Sodium and potassium are needed to build up the electrical voltage at the cell membranes. This is the prerequisite for the transmission of nerve impulses, which control, among other things, muscle contractions and cardiac function. Potassium ensures the enzyme function and is involved in the formation of proteins and glycogen.
Sodium and chloride are absorbed primarily via table salt (chemical: sodium chloride) and food. In most Germans, the salt intake exceeds the target 6 g per day. The salt content of a pre-packaged food must be indicated on the label. High sodium intake increases the risk of high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease, while a high-potassium diet can lower blood pressure.
Nutritionists recommend a diet that provides the body with relatively little sodium and plenty of potassium. This includes a lot of fruits and vegetables, but poorly processed products such as bread, sausages, cheese and finished products. Tasting with spices and herbs saves salt. Potassium is mainly present in hazelnuts, almonds, dried fruit, spelled and rye wholemeal flour. Heike Kreutz, aid