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Does the wound-out of the wound crust cause visible scars?

If you get scars from crusting?Many people find it difficult to leave the scabs that have formed on their skin...

Do diets promote eating disorders?

Promote diets eating disorders? The Federal Center for Health Education (BzgA) in Cologne has stated in a press release that...

Grants do not suffice Heavy investment backlog in hospitals

New study: Impaired care in hospitals According to a new study, public funding from the federal states is nowhere near...

Gynecologists do not sufficiently criticize pharmacist consultation with pill afterwards

Gynecologists do not complain about adequate pharmacist consultation with pill afterwardsFor about a year, the so-called "pill thereafter" is available...

Breast milk breast milk optimally for premature babies

Old trend on the rise: women's milk banks are boomingNot all mothers are in the happy situation to be able...

Gynecological endometriosis Children's desire with the help of new therapy

Endometriosis often causes infertility - fulfilling a child's desire through appropriate therapy Endometriosis is a chronic but benign condition that...

Feminine hygiene Menstrual cups should be more advantageous compared to tampons

Changing from tampons to menstrual cup brings many benefits to womenMost women usually use tampons or bandages. But more and...

Gynecology regular pain can also be a disease

Indication of endometriosis? Period pain can be a diseaseFor many women, severe menstrual pain is not uncommon. Often, simple home...

Women's Health The Unknown Rushing Woman Syndrome

Dr. Libby Weaver: The Rushing Woman syndromeFemale sexual and stress hormones are closely related: if they are not in balance,...