Grants do not suffice Heavy investment backlog in hospitals
According to a new study, public funding from the federal states is nowhere near enough to meet the investment needs of hospitals in Germany. This could severely affect healthcare at the clinics.
Only a small part can afford necessary investments
According to one investigation, the lack of investment funds could seriously affect the supply in German hospitals. According to the news agency dpa, the study by the auditing firm BDO and the German Hospital Institute (DKI) states that the reason for this is that countries are less and less fulfilling their obligation to secure sufficient investment funds for clinics. "The healthcare industry is undergoing constant change. New treatments, more personalized services, technical and medical innovations - they enable hospitals to make progress every year in patient-centered care, care and healing. Theoretically, "write the authors. Meanwhile, only about a quarter of the approximately 2,000 clinics are able to meet the necessary investments.
State subsidies drastically cut
According to the data, state funding for hospitals has fallen by 25 percent since 2000, to around 2.7 billion euros. As BDO board member Parwäz Rafiqpoor explained, however, the investment needs will rise to around seven billion euros annually for the next five years alone. And DKI CEO Andreas Weigand explained: "As a consequence, this leads to aging and loss of substance in the structural and technical infrastructure and thus to a possible deterioration in patient care." It is said that this is also the main reason why for more than ten years between 30 and 50 percent of German hospitals wrote losses.
Funds of the contributors
It has long been criticized by the health insurance funds that their contributors' money would be spent partly on investment costs that would actually have to be borne by the Länder. The hospital structure law passed by the Bundestag last Thursday does little to change that. However, not only the states are in the criticism. Thus, the Free Medical Profession (FÄ) recently raised serious allegations against the Federal Government. With its health policy, this endangers medical care in Germany. The doctors called on the government to suspend the recent "Strengthening Provision Act" and to stop the hospital reform. (Ad)