Do diets promote eating disorders?
Promote diets eating disorders? The Federal Center for Health Education (BzgA) in Cologne has stated in a press release that regular diets can lead to an eating disorder.
The Federal Center for Health Education (BzgA) in Cologne has stated in a press release that regular diets can lead to an eating disorder. For this purpose, the BzgA has launched the new Internet portal According to the BzgA, the portal should provide support and information to victims and relatives. It should be noted that many people with the start of spring in winter often want to get rid of kilos accumulated in a very short time. This could lead to a cycle of „Starvation, loss of control, binging, new diet and hunger again“ and serious eating disorders.
Especially girls in puberty are loud Professor. Elisabeth Pott, the director of the BzgA, prone to this kind of circuits. From a naturopathic point of view parents parents are asked to support the children in the acceptance of their own individual body. For the pressure, especially on young people who deal with their body during puberty, grows in our society. The trend towards blanket beauty ideals and assessing people according to their body masses has long been regarded as a concern in natural medicine and should be defused by a calm and accepting approach to the body, the social environment of the affected adolescents. (Thorsten Fischer, Osteopathy Hannover, 17.03.2010)
Further reading:
Johnson, Don „Rolfing and human flexibility: Like the body of Proteus“ ; 154 pages; Synthesis; Edition: 4th, edition (1990)
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