All articles - Page 1617

Thoughts readable Neurologists decode brain waves and recognize future actions in advance

The first steps to mind reading are done Predicting other people's actions has been an act of intuition so far....

Thoughts about after-work beer Alcohol abuse?

Alcohol after work for many relaxing end of the day 17/12/2013 „Finally closing time! And now a beer!“ This thought...

Birth trauma birth as a trigger for nightmares

Bad memories of the delivery room can lead to depression 04/12/2014 Many women experience the birth of their child as...

Birthday of René Laënnec search engine Google celebrates the stethoscope inventor

Doodle birthday: Google celebrates inventor of the stethoscopeGoogle celebrates the physician René Théophile Hyacinthe Laënnec. Today the Frenchman would have...

Birth month determines cognitive and physical health

How the birth month affects human healthCan the birth month affect our health and character? Researchers at the University of...

Birth weight of German babies about 500 grams higher than the Indian newborn

German babies weigh on average 500 grams more than IndianA new study has shown that babies born in Germany are...

Birth style of the baby affects intestinal flora

Caesarean section and bottle feeding increase risk for later illnesses 02/12/2013 Spontaneous childbirth or caesarean section, breastmilk or substitute food...

Birth rates in Dresden stable at a high level

Dresden University Hospital continued to record many births Contrary to the general trend, some clinics in Germany record unusually high...

Birth rate in Germany is rising again

Young women get more children again 05/09/2011 According to a study by the Max Planck Institute in Rostock, young women...