Birth rates in Dresden stable at a high level

Birth rates in Dresden stable at a high level / Health News
Dresden University Hospital continued to record many births
Contrary to the general trend, some clinics in Germany record unusually high birth rates. According to a recent release, the University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus Dresden once again recorded a similar number of births as in the record year 2014. On October 15, the two thousandth baby of this year was born in the Dresden University Hospital.

Only a few minutes after her twin sister Martha, little Hilde was born on 15 October. She was the two thousandth birth this year at the University Hospital Dresden. The statistics show "after the rising birth rates of the previous years in 2015, a stabilization of births at a high level," said the announcement of the hospital.

The number of multiple births at the University Hospital Dresden has risen again. (Image: inarik /

Increasing number of multiple births
In 2014, the second thousandth birth at the University Hospital Dresden took place on 15 October. The birth rate has thus stabilized at the high level of the previous year. In particular, in the case of risky multiple births, the hospital was even an increase, which the responsible persons on the comprehensive expertise of the University Children's Women's Center and the cooperating specialists of the clinics for gynecology and obstetrics and for children and adolescent medicine back. The birth of the twins Martha and Hilde "was one of a total of 105 multiple births this year at the University Hospital - that is 13 more than in the previous year," said the University Hospital. (Fp)