Alternative medicine and methods of treatment of diseases.
Useful information about the natural treatment of diseases. Alternative medicine.
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Jojo cycle Every diet is harmful to health
A diet can be a major health problem for the body. In most cases, after the diet, a so-called yo-yo...
Jojo effect? How successful are lightning diets for losing weight?
Flash diets remain without lasting successAs soon as the summer has moved in, we also show more skin. For obese...
John Bargh Before thinking - How the unconscious man controls us
American social psychologist John Bargh has been investigating the effects of the unconscious on human decisions for decades. In his...
St. John's wort works in depression - but some preparations are unsuitable
Stiftung Öko-Test rated 20 St. John's wort products Depression is often underestimated because, contrary to an occasional mood low, depression...
St. John's wort - effect and application
St. John's wort in natural medicine St. John's wort, also called Hypericum perforatum, has been used as a medicinal plant...
Currants not harmful to health?
Currants and raspberries are harmless to health? The Federal Office of Consumer Protection gives the all-clear, Greenpeace continues to hold...
Currants contaminated with pesticides
Greenpeace: Currants from Germany are contaminated with numerous pesticides. (26.07.2010) The environmental organization "Greenpeace" tested currants from German cultivation. The...
Currants - Ingredients, effects and cultivation
Currants are among the healthiest things the garden has to offer and are still delicious. Whether bright red, midnight blue,...
Johannes Bernot Acupuncture Combinations
Classical point combinations from 1,700 years of acupuncture tradition are systematically recorded for the first time in this book after...
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