St. John's wort works in depression - but some preparations are unsuitable

St. John's wort works in depression - but some preparations are unsuitable / Health News

Stiftung Öko-Test rated 20 St. John's wort products

Depression is often underestimated because, contrary to an occasional mood low, depression can massively affect the mind, feel and actions of those affected and can also be associated with disorders of body functions. For the most part, depressed people can not get rid of the disease on their own and need professional and / or medical support. A herbal extract of St. John's wort can help against mild to moderate depression. The effect is considered scientifically proven with correct dosage and suitable extract. Stiftung Öko-Test has now tested 20 St. John's wort preparations. But only half could convince.

St. John's wort supplements can help with mild and moderate depression. But the extract usually only helps if it is taken in the correct dosage and in the appropriate length. The extract itself can influence the result. Incorrect use often does not achieve the desired effect. The intake should therefore be clarified with a doctor. Research has shown that 500 to 1000 milligrams should be taken daily. This must be maintained over a period of at least six weeks - even better over several months.

St. John's wort preparations can help with mild to moderate depression when used correctly. (Image: Printemps /

Depression should not be underestimated

In Germany, approximately 5.3 million people annually suffer from depression requiring treatment. More than every fifth woman and more than one in ten men develops at least one depression in his life. Depression can have a massive impact on people's lives, causing cognitive, psychomotor, and other dysfunctions such as fatigue, lack of concentration, loss of sexual desire, and pleasure in almost all other occupations.

In addition, they often occur in combination with insomnia and a sense of dejection. The symptoms are so severe in some people that they try to take their own lives. There are now very effective treatment options to fight depression.

St. John's wort is not the same as St. John's wort

Of the 20 products tested by Öko-Test, five over-the-counter St. John's wort preparations from the pharmacy were able to achieve the test score of "very good". These include the remedies "Jarsin 300 mg", "Kira", "Laif 612", "Laif 900 Balance" and "Neuroplant Active". But seven freely available products scored in the test with the grade "poor" and one even with "insufficient". The preparations "The healthy plus St. John's wort", "Dr. Thin Hyperigold St. John's Wort Herbal Tablets N "," Schoenenberger St. John's Wort, Juice "," Tetesept St. John's Wort Capsules 500 mg "and" Zirkulin St. John's Wort Dragees H "are not suitable for treating depression, according to the Öko-Test. The worst cut was "Kneipp St. John's wort Dragees H" with the grade "insufficient". According to the eco-test, there was no proof of efficacy and advice that the consumer should go to the doctor if symptoms persist.

How does St. John's wort??

St. John's wort, also called Hypericum perforatum, has been used as a medicinal plant for over 2000 years. Depending on the variety, it contains several substances, such as hypericin, pseudohypericin, flavonoids, bioflavones, hyperforin and adhyperforin. Although there are no high-quality studies on the exact mode of action, the healing is attributed to the interaction of the substances involved. For prolonged, patient-appropriate intake, the ingredients cause an increase in neurotransmitters. Added to this is the photosensitizing effect, which results in increased light utilization, which can help in winter depression in particular.

The effect of St. John's wort can be equated with one or the other antidepressant. In addition, St. John's Wort has an anxiolytic effect, has a slightly sedating effect and helps with nervous restlessness. However, possible side effects and possible interactions with other medications must not be disregarded. (Vb)