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Ökotest pesticides found in children's fruit tea

Eco-test: residues of pesticides and a lot of sugar in fruit tea 01/01/2015 According to a study by the consumer...

Ökotest olives with dyes

In olives, no residues of pesticides were detected, but a lot of dyes. (05.08.2010) The environmentally conscious consumer magazine "Öko-Test"...

Ökotest carcinogens found in felt pens

Ökotest found hazardous substances in felt-tip pens. When choosing pens, parents should be very careful about which toxic substances are...

Ökotest Krebserreger in baby food

Eco-test: carcinogens in baby food The critical consumer magazine "Öko-Test" has tested the safety of packaging and the exposure to...

Ökotest Carcinogenic substances in shower gels

According to "Ökotest", many shower gels should contain hazardous substances. (03.06.2010) The consumer magazine "Ökotest" has examined 31 shower gels...

Ökotest cherry stone pillows or hot water bottles?

Ökotest found carcinogenic substances in hot water bottles 28/10/2013 Children suffering from abdominal pain, distended abdomen, body aches or chills,...

Eco-test germs and pesticides in prepared salads

„Eco test“: Germs and pesticides in prepared salads02/01/2015 A test of the magazine „Eco test“ Finished salads are often heavily...

Ökotest Hardly good grades for multivitamin juices

Eco test: Bad results with many multivitamin juices- Eight juices with touch “six“ rated09/01/2014 The Federal Office for Consumer Protection...

Ökotest glutamate & germs found in cooked ham

Ökotest found germs and glutamate in different types of cooked ham. Eight of the packaged ham products received grades five...