Ökotest cherry stone pillows or hot water bottles?

Ökotest cherry stone pillows or hot water bottles? / Health News

Ökotest found carcinogenic substances in hot water bottles


Children suffering from abdominal pain, distended abdomen, body aches or chills, heat is a good remedy for symptom relief. Alternatively, parents then grab the hot water bottle or the cherry stone pillow. The Öko-Test consumables have investigated which method is the better. The result was clear: The alternative cherry stone cushion cut significantly better than the hot water bottle. For most of the hot water bottles available in Germany are contaminated with substances of chemical concern, which in turn can promote other diseases. Cherry stone pillows, however, were completely „harmless“.

Pollutants in hot water bottles
In the consumer magazine test, a total of seven cherry stone cushions and five hot water bottles were examined. Both methods gave sufficient and long heat. But closer inspection revealed that most hot water bottles were contaminated with harmful substances of concern. Therefore, two of the five warming bottles received the grade „inadequate“ and „insufficient“. Only one bottle could at least one „satisfying“ receive.

According to Ökotest, harmful substances were usually found inside the bottles. In the lab, the experts saw that so-called „Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons“ (PAK) were detectable in some hot water bottles. These should „be carcinogenic and sustainably damage the genetic material of humans“. Although most bottles are covered with a fabric cover, products designed specifically for children should be made to ensure that the products are free of harmful substances. The testers recommended to use the same materials as the producers of cherry stone pillows.

Always keep cherry stone cushions airy and dry
There are a few things to consider when using cherry stone pillows. The pillows, for example, are not as hot as the hot water bottles. Nevertheless, you should be careful not to overheat them in the microwave, otherwise the core pillow can ignite. To avoid mold on the pillow, it should always be stored dry and airy. Because even mold can lead to health problems. (Sb)

Picture: Gesa Zimmermann