Ökotest Krebserreger in baby food
Eco-test: carcinogens in baby food
The critical consumer magazine "Öko-Test" has tested the safety of packaging and the exposure to pollutants in seven products from three suppliers of ready-made baby food. The testers found the carcinogenic substances benzene and furan and awarded the marks to more than half of the products „insufficient“ to „inadequate“.
The substances furan and benzene are probably caused by the high and long heating for the preservation of a baby pulp. Benzene is known as a constituent of gasoline, as a pollutant in the air and as a source for a number of chemicals. Furan is used as a resin as a molding material in molding boxes and occurs in nature as a pheromone. It is produced during treatment of Lebensmotteln under heat and has been tested carcinogenically in animal experiments.
The spueren or even partially increased values led to more than half of the products tested the grade „insufficient“ to „inadequate“ got. In addition, the Ökotester stated that the manufacturers Hipp and Bebivita „spongy“ answered questions about the sterilization of their products. In addition, all suppliers save with meat in the products.
But there were also positives to report: The commissioned laboratories found no evidence of pesticides or other questionable germs. Nitrate levels were very low and no plasticizers or other hazardous substances were contained in the packaging of the products. However, Öko-Test points out that critics are generally skeptical about plastic packaging and prefer glass packaging. In the case of plastic, something could possibly come off and mix with the food.
Especially with babies, it is important that they receive the least possible nutrition to build up an immune system and important functional systems in the body that they need throughout their lives.
In naturopathy has long been advocated to use untreated and fresh food
In naturopathy has long been advocated to use organically produced and fresh food. A well-balanced kitchen, in which much is produced, offers a good framework from the point of view of naturopathy, in order to lay the foundation for the development of a compensatory organism. (Thorsten Fischer, Naturopath Osteopathy, 28.02.2010)
To read more:
Dangerous substances in soft drinks
Too much fructose in ready-to-eat foods