All articles - Page 1035

Girl hospitalized for herbal cigarettes smoking

In a small town in Baden-Wuerttemberg on Thursday some young girls noticed that made a drunken impression. Two of them...

Girl with trachea from stem cells?

Two-year-old receives artificial stem cell-based trachea 03/05/2013 A two-year-old girl, born in 2010 in South Korea without a trachea, has...

Girl came to the hospital with 3.9 per thousand

A 16-year-old girl was hospitalized by rescue workers of the Berlin fire department with 3.9 per thousand. 24.01.2011 After they...

Girl in Hamburg dies of EHEC infection

Hamburg elementary school student died of EHEC infection 20.02.2012 In the past year, the EHEC epidemic has shockingly demonstrated to...

Girls always earlier in puberty

Girls reach puberty earlier and earlier. This leads to mental stress in the children.(10.08.2010) The results of a new US...

Girls remember dreams more often

Dreams have a higher significance for girls 07/07/2011 Girls are more likely to remember their dreams and measure them more...

MCP drops Too high a dose of stomach drug

Authorization for MCP drops with an active ingredient content of more than 1 mg / ml withdrawn 04/18/2014 Metoclopramide drops...

Mosquito bites with severe consequences Overview of travel diseases worldwide

Caution is better than forbearance: Increasingly uncomplicated access to distant destinations increases the risk for tourists to become infected with...

Mosquito bites Some people are more often stung by mosquitoes

Some people are stung more often by mosquitoes Why do some people prefer to be bitten by mosquitoes? Everyone knows...