Biological cancer therapy

Biological cancer therapy is a supplement to conventional medicine. It sees the human being as a "whole", as an association of body, soul and spirit. Thus, their treatment methods are not only aimed at healing the place of the event, ie the cancer, but to make the whole organism healthy again. It is by no means a therapy that may be seen as an alternative. Any additional therapy must be done in consultation with the treating physicians.
Four building blocks of biological cancer therapy
1st building block: strengthening the psyche
2nd building block: Strengthening the body
3rd building block: Regulation of the metabolism
4th building block - the immune system is regulated
Biological Cancer Therapy (Video)
Healthy intestine
The tumor vaccination
Escape, detoxify
Other forms of therapy

The most varied methods in the field of natural medicine try to accompany the conventional medical therapy, to support them, to strengthen the body and psyche, to minimize side effects, to prevent setbacks and to operate aftercare.
The aim of biological cancer therapy is to improve the quality of life of the cancer patient, to work out the causes of the disease, to dissolve them if possible, and to activate the immune system.
Four building blocks of biological cancer therapy
Biological cancer therapy consists of four building blocks, strengthening the psyche, strengthening the body, regulating the metabolism and activating the defense. These building blocks together form a whole. They are important for everyone concerned, but are used very individually in detail.
1st building block: strengthening the psyche
Research has shown that there are connections between the psyche, the nervous system and the immune system. This is called psychoneuroimmunology. So the emotional state and the various sensitivities have an influence on the body. Therefore, in the context of biological cancer therapy, the strengthening of the psyche is unavoidable. Fears and depressive moods have a negative effect on the body, while joy and good mood can boost the immune system.
To strengthen the psyche, it is recommended in the context of biological cancer defense to join a self-help group to speak out, to communicate to others and to seek advice, but also comfort. Also, a talk therapy can serve well. These also include relaxation exercises, meditation, breathing, music and dance therapy as well as eurythmy therapy.
2nd building block: Strengthening the body
The second building block, strengthening the body, is important, especially to reduce the risk of recurrence. Regular exercise in the form of sport, which is definitely fun, or a daily walk, can boost the immune system and thus strengthen the body. Just moving in the fresh air is required. Tensions are thereby reduced, the body is supplied with sufficient oxygen, stimulates the lymphatic flow, improves digestion and strengthened the cardiovascular system. The entire organism benefits from regular exercise. It is important not to put too much effort into this. Every day a little walk is much better than taking care of yourself and possibly being exhausted. Limits of own resilience must be respected. Endurance sports, such as moderate jogging, walking, swimming and cycling are recommended. Those who prefer exercise exercises may be interested in dance gymnastics, qigong, tai chi, yoga, feldenkrais or eurythmy. Also special exercise groups for cancer patients are offered. Whichever sport you choose, the fun and the joy come first.
3rd building block: Regulation of the metabolism
The third component of biological cancer therapy, the regulation of metabolism, deals with a healthy, individually tailored diet. Especially in the time of cancer, a balanced, vitamin-rich food is the nuts and bolts. Diets are not recommended. Those affected need sufficient nutrients, vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Here are especially the so-called radical scavengers to mention.
Free radicals are formed in almost all metabolic processes associated with oxygen. These are incomplete molecules that are eager to become complete again. They "steal" suitable electrons from other molecules, which thereby also become free radicals. A vicious circle begins. These incomplete particles can also be associated with alcohol consumption, environmental toxins, and disease. As a result, the body gets into so-called oxidative stress, as a result of which, for example, impaired cell function and / or inactivation of enzymes can occur.
Especially in biological cancer therapy is often called free radicals. These should be kept in check as well as possible, or eliminated. This requires so-called radical scavengers. These are able to neutralize the free radical without becoming such itself. Antioxidants, such as vitamin A, beta-carotene, vitamins C and E, are indispensable in the fight against cancer. These are contained in various foods. These include beans, cabbage, broccoli, blueberries, raspberries, peaches, parsley, basil, chervil, garlic, citrus, cocoa and green tea.
Overall, nutrition is a very important component as the third building block of biological cancer therapy. In general, covering the daily requirement of vitamins, minerals and trace elements by a balanced diet. However, in the context of cancer, a substitution with suitable dietary supplements may well be necessary. However, this should not be decided arbitrarily, but always clarified with the doctor or the treating therapist. Thus, the cancer patient is often prescribed a selenium supplement. This is an important radical scavenger that protects the cells. Selenium has the additional gift of excreting toxins from the body. In general, representatives of biological cancer therapy recommend primarily herbal foods, as these should contain a high proportion of tumor-inhibiting substances.
4th building block - the immune system is regulated
The fourth building block of biological cancer therapy is the regulation of the immune system.
The use of the listed agents is considered by the attending physician before beginning the therapy and the suitable for the particular case sought. Also, not every immunoregulatory therapy is suitable for biological cancer treatment. Mistletoe therapy has long been used, usually as a supplement to chemotherapy or radiotherapy. Like most naturopathic treatments, unfortunately, this is still not recognized. However, it has a long tradition in anthroposophic medicine. Depending on the type of cancer, a certain mistletoe is chosen. It regulates the immune system, can relieve pain and make conventional medical methods more bearable.
Another way to activate the immune system is organotherapy. Here, so-called "organ preparations" from the thymus and / or spleen are used. These are administered by injection. Whether mistletoe or organotherapy is used is very individual. This will be decided by the doctor, depending on the type of cancer and the starting position of the patient.
An additional option to increase the defense is the ingestion of medicinal mushrooms. However, these are by no means intended for self-medication. Here the right mushrooms in the correct dosage must be selected. Furthermore, the use of enzymes is also part of biological cancer therapy. These crack the protein sheath of the cancer cells, with which the latter can be made accessible to the defense again. In addition, the enzymes have an anti-inflammatory effect.
Healthy intestine
A healthy gut is part of a healthy metabolism. In the opinion of TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine), the main part of the human immune system is in the gut. As a result, a healthy colon is usually accompanied by a healthy defense. Thus, the biological cancer therapy advocates a gut rehabilitation, so that the physiological intestinal bacteria have the "upper hand", the "bad" bacteria displace and thus a good defense is guaranteed.
The tumor vaccination
The tumor vaccine is also part of the biological cancer therapy. It works much like a normal vaccine. The body is given a serum that causes it to produce antibodies to prevent the disease. The tumor vaccine is mainly used for metastasis prophylaxis. For the production of the vaccine serum of the body own tumor tissue is necessary, which is prepared in a special laboratory.
Another form of treatment is hyperthermia. The tumor tissue is extremely sensitive to heat. At temperatures between 40 ° and 42 ° the cell membrane is damaged. Overheating causes heat to be applied to the whole body or to certain areas of the organ. The main goal of this therapy is to make the cells more sensitive by the added heat, which can positively influence the efficacy of chemotherapy or radiotherapy. Hyperthermia is still not a standard treatment, but it is an important component of biological cancer therapy.
Escape, detoxify
The body of cancer patients is heavily burdened by chemotherapy and radiotherapy, but also by surgery and medication. Here, the biological cancer defense advocates a purge and detoxification. The excretory organs are activated in order to expel the toxic substances that remain in the body to the outside. For this therapy a variety of natural substances, such as tea blends, tinctures or fresh plant juices are prescribed. However, this should be supervised by a doctor or therapist, as are all procedures already mentioned. Not every plant is suitable, but some are currently contraindicated for cancer patients.
Other forms of therapy
In the context of biological cancer therapy, other forms of therapy are used. These include classical homeopathy, TCM, aromatherapy and anthroposophic medicine. Not every remedy is suitable for every patient. Especially in cancer therapy, this selection is a very individual matter and requires experience and trusting togetherness.
Biological cancer therapy sees the human being as a whole. So not only the diseased organ, but the entire personality and the entire organism is taken on board. Personal circumstances, social circumstances, psychological stress and much more are important to create an individual therapy for the individual. Biological cancer therapy aims to strengthen the body and psyche, improve quality of life, activate the immune system and minimize the side effects of chemotherapy, radiotherapy and other conventional medical treatments. Biological cancer therapy is also available to patients after cancer treatment to help them get started in normal life. These include meetings with like-minded people, naturopathic treatments for complaints, talk therapy, sports groups and much more. (Susanne Waschke, alternative practitioner)
Image: Annamartha