Biological cancer defense in Berlin

„Integrative medicine follows the idea of the responsible patient when it offers conventional and complementary medical therapy“
Two central themes are on the agenda at the Patient-Physician Forum of the Society for Biological Cancer Defense on 10 May in Berlin: Patient Competence and Networking of School and Complementary Medicine. „Integrative Medicine uses both psycho-oncology and complementary medicine to increase the chances of curing cancer“, so Dr. Ralf Heinrich, Head of the Clinic for Integrative Medicine Berlin. He explains the connection between the idea of the responsible patient and the possibilities of complementary medicine. „Anyone who only gives the patient the choice of choosing one or the other therapy, that is either conventional medicine or naturopathy, disenfranchises him a little“.
The practice clinic for integrative medicine therefore offers a coaching for patients in order to inform them about the therapy alternatives, chances and limitations of a complementary medical oncology. Heinrich: „We explain relationships, strengthen the patient's self-confidence in dialogue and jointly agree on therapeutic goals.“ The „mature patient“ was, so Heinrich, no end in itself or only ethically required: „Self-awareness is often the first way to recovery - even in medicine. Diseases show up on the basis of many symptoms. But they usually do not reveal where these originate and how the psyche can play in the disease but also in healing.“ Coaching aims to direct the patient's gaze to himself in order to detect and abandon a possible deficit orientation - in favor of a positive self-control: „Healing also takes place in the mind. The goal is to activate the patient's resources and mentally lead him out of passivity. It's about strengthening the patient mentally.“
The physical strengthening of the patient and his defenses, on the other hand, is one of the driving forces behind the use of various forms of therapy in oncology. „A meaningful combination of conventional, innovative procedures and complementary cancer therapies can increase the chances of recovery. This is what the Society for Biological Cancer Defense (GfBK) refers to.
Heinrich: „An integrative medicine does not want a tunnel vision. It combines conventional and biological diagnoses and therapies. So she looks at body and mind in her unity and treats her as well. Be it co-medic in complementary medicine or naturopathy. Our therapies aim to use the body's own powers for self-regeneration: if the balance is threatened from the outside, the body is against it erect: He should get back his balance. Sick cells are stimulated to destroy themselves, the immune system is to strengthen.“
The practice clinic combines various therapies under one roof: Cellsymbiosis therapy, intravascular laser therapy, vital field therapy, hyperthermia, oncothermia, intratumoral galvanotherapy, ozone therapy, homeopathy, autologous blood therapy, biological hormone therapy. (Pm)