Naturopathy - Page 15

Comfrey - application, effects and recipes

The comfrey (Symphytum) does not bear its name for nothing, because its good healing effect on injuries in the leg...

Abdominal massage - application and instructions

abdominal massage A stomach massage can have a soothing effect. It relaxes the muscles, dissipating bloating, stimulating blood circulation and...

Bananas - Ingredients and Use

Fruit bananas have become so commonplace for us that we almost forgot their tropical origins. Each German consumes around 12...

Valerian - effect, application, cultivation and harvest

Valerian root has proven to be a herbal tranquilizer Valerian, also called witch or cat herb, is a honeysuckle and...

Extinct Professions - Reaper, Ranger, and Rootseppen

The life of the people in forest and field was 1400, 1600 or 1800 after our time everything else than...

Pharmacy earlier and today - History of pharmacy

In ancient Greek, pharmakeia meant remedies. Apotheca, on the other hand, referred to a warehouse that the apothecarius supervised. contentsArabic...

Amphibian death by fungi Ecological consequences and protective measures

The amphibious apocalypse - fungus causes mass extinction For the first time in human time on the planet, an entire...

AFA algae - action and application

The blue-green AFA-algae are not bred like other algae (for example Spirulina or Chlorella algae), but they grow naturally in...

Ackersenf - cultivation, use and healing effect

Application of Ackersenf in natural medicineMaca root, chia seeds or goji berries - globalization is always bringing new "superfood" into...