Naturopathy - Page 14

Burkhard Düssler Stop getting ready

The inner critic who complains that we are too stupid, too lazy, too weak or too selfish, could lead us...

Watercress - effect, cultivation and recipes

Scharf means in Old High German "cresso", and the name is in the watercress program. The hotness of her mustard...

Wild garlic in natural medicine

Wild garlic is known as witch's bulb or wild leek and grows mainly in moist, shady locations with humus rich...

Borage - effect, application, recipes and seeding

Borage, also called cucumber herb, is a deciduous plant. As strange as his surname is his appearance with hairy leaves...

Savory - tea and other applications

Savory tea - applications and modes of action For savory tea, many people initially think of a decoction of the...

Loosestrife healing, application and own cultivation

The Common Purple Loosestrife - A Forgotten Medicinal Plant The blooms of the purple loosestrife glow purple from riparian zones...

Bionics - history, topics and examples

Learning from evolution means learning technology The evolution can only work with the existing material, and is by no means...

Bee dying causes, spread and consequences

Bees are buzzing ever more rarely Do you wonder if it's still on their flowerbeds this year? In the winter...

Barberry - cultivation, use and healing effect

Barberry - vitamin bomb and bird paradise Barberry is found in about 15 different species, in Germany was originally only...