Barberry - cultivation, use and healing effect

Barberry - cultivation, use and healing effect / Naturopathy

Barberry - vitamin bomb and bird paradise

Barberry is found in about 15 different species, in Germany was originally only the common sourthorn (Berberis vulgaris) native. The name says it: The plant bears sour berries, and the shoots cover long pointed thorns. Therefore, the shrubs are ideal as hedges to keep burglars. Birds like to nest in their nests, as the thorns scare off predators.


  • Barberry - vitamin bomb and bird paradise
  • Appearance of barberry
  • Sour berries
  • An undemanding crop
  • A thorn hedge
  • maintenance
  • Healing effect of barberry
  • rootbark
  • Eat barberry

Appearance of barberry

These are low to medium shrubs. The leaves are oblong or have the shape of an ice. Barberry wood is brittle and yellowish, the flowers are small and yellow and an outstanding bee pasture. Some species have blood-red leaves, in others the green leaves turn yellow and red in autumn.

The sour-tasting fruits of barberry contain many vitamins. (Image: lepatriote /

Sour berries

The shrubs form spherical berries of red to almost black color, which in Iran belong to the national dish Sereshk Polo; In northeastern Iran, 4,500 tons of this are harvested annually. The Persian variety Asperma contains no seeds and can therefore be easily processed. The berries taste sweet and sour and contain a lot of vitamin C and about 6% acidity - hence the sour taste.

In Germany, the berries traditionally served as a jelly, as an aroma for teas and as a liqueur. Barberry was also considered a medicinal plant and was used for gastrointestinal complaints and diseases of the liver and bile.

An undemanding crop

Sauerdorn is not a daily diet in Germany. This is mainly because the local fruits have seeds, and the yield of small berries is therefore laborious to get. In addition, the painful thorns cause that we should harvest the berries only with gloves - and they pierce even ordinary gardening gloves.

Otherwise, the shrub is very well suited as a crop for the allotment, because he makes little claims. In general, the plant likes the sun, but also thrives in partial shade or even in the shade.

It only needs a well-drained soil that has a minimum of humus. Otherwise, the soil may be acidic or alkaline, dry or damp.

A thorn hedge

Barberries serve as hedges, to green areas or to decorate graves. They are effective for keeping stray dogs or cats away from the garden.

In the natural garden, the plant should not be missing in any hedge and visually harmonizes, in size and its characteristics, very well with hawthorn, hawthorn and blackthorn. For birds it is one of the most valuable shrubs ever: thrushes are downright addicted to the berries, and this land of plenty offers them nesting place like shelter.

The shrub belongs in every natural garden, because it offers birds excellent protection. (Photo: stas_malyarevsky)

A tip: You can easily keep a bird food place cat safe, if you put a bird house on a pillar in a barberry shrub or suspend feed silos in the bush.


Be careful with the thorns: Wear safety gloves with rubber protection or better still special rose gloves. These are available in garden shops. If you are planting sourthorn, it is recommended to cover the soil with a thick layer of bark mulch. It is no pleasure to pluck out the unwanted herbs between the spiny branches.

Barberries tolerate radical cuts and are therefore ideal as hedge shrubs. If you are planting a small shrub you should trim it by a third, then it branches out well.

The shrubs can be easily cut with a hedge trimmer, preferably once in late summer. You can choose almost any shape and size without the plant resents them.

Healing effect of barberry

The berries have a high level of vitamin C, citric acid such as malic acid and potassium. The fruit acids cleanse the stomach. The fruits are sweaty, dissolve mucus and act against bacteria.

They can be used after infectious diseases to strengthen the body, against toothache and breathing problems, as well as stomach upset.

You can dry the fruits and take them in winter as a vitamin drops or add teas, make mus or jam. If you have toothache you can rub the painful area with the fruit juice.


The root bark is even more effective than the fruit. You should refrain from self-experimentation, as the leaves and roots contain alkaloids and are slightly toxic. It is better to use preparations (for example capsules) which you can get in the pharmacy.

The root cortex helps against constipation, bile problems, flatulence, loss of appetite, high blood pressure, edema and circulatory problems, and liver problems, as well as menstrual problems, as it promotes blood circulation. Overdose can cause vomiting, diarrhea, kidney pain and nosebleeds.

The fruits of the barberry can be processed well to jam, but are also suitable, for example. as seasoning for lamb or chicken. (Image: Africa Studio /

Eat barberry

Dried or fresh barberries are suitable as seasoning for lamb skewers, couscous, rice and chicken and harmonize with saffron, almonds, nuts and sweet potatoes. Its strong acidity goes well with game dishes such as roast venison or hare's back. For pastries, desserts or cakes, the berries accompany especially dark chocolate. (Dr. Utz Anhalt)