Duftgarten - application, use and suitable plants

Duftgarten - application, use and suitable plants / Naturopathy
Fragrant roses, aromatic lavender or lemon balm? A fragrance garden composes different smells so that they give a coherent ensemble. Aromatic diversity of plants not only infatuates our nose, but also serves to protect species: butterflies, bees and bumblebees are crazy about the aromatic plants.


  • Duftgärten - The most important facts
  • Where do I put a fragrance garden??
  • Aromatic plants - a selection
  • When the white lilac blooms again
  • What should you pay attention to?
  • Good smell on terrace and balcony
  • Smells for biodiversity
  • The scented herb bed

Duftgärten - The most important facts

  • In the case of plants, flowers smell as well as leaves, barks or the wood. Flowers, bushes, herbs and trees can all fit in a scented garden.
  • A scented garden should include ground cover as well as tall perennials and vine plants.
  • Strong smelling plants should better stand alone.
  • There are fragrant plants for the sun as for shade, for drought as for wet gardens, for midday and midnight bouquet.
  • Make sure beforehand which fragrances you like.
  • If you choose native plants whose smell attracts pollinators, you will enjoy butterflies and bees, even bats, and promote species conservation.
A fragrance garden composes different smells so that they give a coherent ensemble. Aromatic diversity of plants not only infatuates our nose, but also protects species. (Image: stockpics / fotolia.com)

Where do I put a fragrance garden??

The essential oils release their scents best when it is sunny and calm. That is why dry stone walls or walls to the south are ideal, as the stones heated by the sun enhance the perfume of the plants. Mint and lemon balm, lavender and climbing roses are perfect for such a location. Tip: If you have limited space, you can also use sweet peas. These grow with help to the level of the nose.

Aromatic plants - a selection

There are fragrant trees such as firs, spruces or amber, fragrant flowers such as roses and violets, complete fragrant hedges, aromatic herbs such as thyme and scented shrubs such as lilac. Fragrances exude for example: aniseed, wild angelica, angelica, laurel, bitter orange, wormwood, basil, mugwort, woodruff, chamomile, Roman chamomile, true garmander, clove root, condyle, celandine, field mint, water mint, mountain mint, peppermint, sea fennel, Edelrauke, Red rose, rosemary, dog rose, dog rose, meadowsweet, which sweet smells, sorrel, the lemony fragrant clary sage, sand thyme, thyme, lemon thyme, vanilla, honorary prize or saffron, miracle flower and ornamental tobacco, gingerbread tree (the leaves smell like gingerbread), magnolia, lilac , Summer lilac, the sweet-smelling golden varnish or wisteria, phlox, witch hazel, chocolate flower or the ripe banana-smelling arabic marigold, lemon balm (the name says it).

The scented vine grows up on racks, hedges and walls. Her delicate flowers smell of vanilla. It is a butterfly, a relative of the scent nettle and an excellent butterfly plant. The Phlox is also a superstar for moths. It entices with a soft pepper smell that reminds of Christmas. The night vole emits its scents from the violet to white flowers in the evening. Her scent is sweet and heavy. Lavender and lemon verbena are also suitable for the balcony and the windowsill. In Verbena the light green leaves smell. In the incense plant (not to be confused with the incense tree), the green-white leaves smell strongly of lemon and keep insects away.

When the white lilac blooms again

When the white lilac blooms again, it fills the air with a sweet scent and announces the full spring. Lilac smells intense, large bushes almost obtrusive. The flowers are white, pink, purple or purple, arrange to panicles and bloom from late April to June. Lilac has little claims, grows excellent and fast in our latitudes and spreads.

Lilac has an intense odor, the flowers are white, pink, purple or purple and it blooms from late April to June. (Image: stsvirkun / fotolia.com)


The rose is considered to be the queen of fragrances and noble rose oil such as rose water, for example from the Damascus Rose, is traded on the markets like gold. You can choose between tens of thousands of varieties. Note the following: Stuffed roses are useless to insects and do not belong in a natural garden.

Rose scent is meanwhile a science in itself and reminiscent of the different flavors in wine: So smell some roses breathy, spreading others, quite bold room filling, others only trace of. The fragrance itself is sometimes warm, sometimes cool, sometimes elegant, sometimes intoxicating, sometimes herbaceous, sometimes tart or elegant.

Some roses bloom only days after flowering, others in the rain, others in the midday sun, and others are moody. With these roses, the fragrance changes and those smell only in a special location. Find out exactly at her rose gardener.

What should you pay attention to?

Be sure to plant the fragrance garden in several "storeys". On the ground may be scented herbs such as lavender, rosemary or thyme, at hips, for example, hedge roses, on walls, fences or climbing trellis climbing roses or white jasmine. At nose level, for example, the angel's trumpet grows. In addition, it is smart to place the smell plants where you can smell them - on the terrace, near a garden table or gazebo, in a sitting area or in a rose arch.

You can even plan when you are in which places in the garden. Do you work full time and enjoy the balmy summer evenings on the porch swing? Then night smells are best. Furthermore, you should plant the garden in such a way that the fragrance waves spread - or even beyond - throughout the flowering period from April to October.

Good smell on terrace and balcony

Terrace and balcony are the areas in which you are most at home, or the replacement, if you have no garden? Here you can start early this year with narcissi, hyacinths and hare bells, in the summer, for example, roses, cloves and mint bloom. Also lemon and orange trees are suitable. Do you have limited space? Then you can settle fragrant vine plants such as sweet peas.

Daffodils, hyacinths and hare bells are suitable at the beginning of the year, for example roses, carnations and mint in summer. You should plant the garden in such a way that the fragrance waves spread throughout the flowering period from April to October. (Image: Sabine Schönfeld / fotolia.com)

Smells for biodiversity

Plants do not smell to beguile people, but to attract insects. For example, bees love the scent of bluebells, fanbloods, nasturtium, verbena, daisies and sunflowers, snapdragons, meadowsweet and lavender.

plants Fragrant

Plant fragrance is usually due to the essential oils in flowers and leaves. These exude many flowers only at certain times of the day and the seasons. Sage smells, for example, only when bees are on the road, so during the day - the honeysuckle, however, only in the evening, when the moths come. Such fragrances do not have to smell good to humans: some orchids stink of decaying flesh to lure flies that feed on them.

Other fragrances are the "language" in which plants talk to other plants and even warn them against pests. These include terpenes. Then again there are scents that attract the enemies of pests. For example, the lima bean attracts predators of the spider mite.

Bring the plant to the nose

Some of the best smelling plants like lavender are groundcover. Here's a little trick to bring them to nose level if you do not want to constantly crawl on your stomach through the garden.
Either put the plants in pots or better set up a raised bed. You can use picturesque natural stone as a drywall or deadwood, or a slatted frame.

Fragrances in the seasons

Snowball already blooms at the end of April and is next to the woodruff one of the first fragrance donors. In May then lilacs, meadowsweet and lilies of the valley bloom, from July the summer lilac or butterfly shrub. You can plant larger aromatic plants such as the lilac bushes with lilies of the valley, carnations or lavender.
Roses bloom in summer, depending on the species from June. Shrub and edelrosen are often bred specially for fragrance, but also many rambler roses, which entwine themselves rosebows, delight the nose. You can even enjoy climbing roses on the balcony with rose clasps, climbing frames or a fence. Roses are good for mint or lavender bushes.

Rambler roses, which entwine themselves along a rose arch, delight the nose. You can even pull climbing roses on the balcony using rose-tree clasps, racks or a fence (picture: fineart-collection / fotolia.com)

Spices in the aroma garden

What tastes good smells good too. Many spices, culinary herbs and medicinal plants release their aromas into the air. However, the essential oils often escape only when parts of plants break or break off. That is why a thyme carpet is a great idea: plant thyme or lemon thyme in cracks on the garden path and, as you walk, touch the branches with the effect of spraying a perfume. For such a carpet are also suitable Roman mint and carpet mint.
Many city dwellers are unaware that oregano produces strongly fragrant pink-white flowers that delight us from June to September, and that the nasturtium not only tastes great in salads, but also entraps garden benches with yellow-orange splendor.

A herbal spiral with rosemary, basil, sage, oregano and lavender provides a Mediterranean scent. The sweet lavender complements the resinous bouquet of rosemary and the herb-spicy sage.

Select plants

If you buy perfume, select it after the fragrance. In principle, this is the same with plants, but as always in the garden, you must also be aware of when the plants are in bloom, how much sun and which soil they need, and at what time of the day they release their scent. Also, how intense they smell, whether it is ground cover, vine plants, marsh plants or herbs from dry zones, is to be considered.

You should combine plants with the same scent strength so that the rough clouds of one do not suffocate the delicate touch of the others. For highly fragrant plants, you should consider whether to let them stand alone rather than to bring them together. Why? When several plants spread intense scents, they mix together to create a new scent - just like applying five perfumes at the same time. More restrained in the smell are for example broom, Akelei or Peony. Night fragrances for bats, moths and night owls are Gemshorn, Levkojen, Nachtjasmin, evening primrose and Engelstrompete.

Ginster is more restrained in smell, as well as columbine or peony. You should combine plants with the same scent strength so that the rough clouds of one do not suffocate the delicate touch of the others. (Image: smellypumpy / fotolia.com)

Gone with the wind

Notice the wind. Is your plot sheltered from the wind, for example on a mountainside? Then you hardly have a problem. But if there is a draft in their garden, then a stiff breeze will also expel volatile ethereal oils. In this case, you are well advised to create fragrance niches in which the plants can develop their full aroma. There are many possibilities for this: You can plant a herbal bed in a windless corner or plant fragrance shrubs on a hedge like a wall. You can also create a natural stone roundabout and create a fragrance room in it.

The scented herb bed

Some plants smell exquisite, but are poisonous, such as the angel's trumpet. This does not apply to a scented herb bed. The herbs are at the same time spice, remedies and a pleasure for the nose. Chamomile and thyme are suitable for the fragrance of grass. Both need hardly care, as thyme comes out as a Mediterranean herb with little water, but enjoys sun. Nasturtium grows almost everywhere, sage and clary sage sprout at times so that they must keep the herbaceous beauties in check. In addition, sage is a first-rate herb, has antiseptic and antibacterial properties, and sage leaf tea is the first choice home remedy for sore throat and hoarseness. Oregano smells spicy and promotes digestion.


The Mediterranean fragrances of thyme, oregano and lavender are in their element in sunny stone beds or even in wreaths. But is it wet with them, is your garden in the catchment area of ​​a river? Then you do not have to do without a fragrance garden. Meadowsweet is a typical plant of riparian forests, river banks, wet ditches or the marshy zone of ponds. The name indicates that our ancestors appreciated the sweetness and probably spiced mead, the honey wine, with it. As of May, the plant sprawls with a sea of ​​white flowers and emits a heavy honey smell, which reminds a little of tasty liqueur.

Elisabeth I loved the scent, and the villagers of bygone days scattered the mown plants on the floor - as the former form of the room spray. Meadowsweet smells very strong, and you should sniff if they like the smell before you settle meadowsweet. For some, the Odeur is too intrusive.


To collect ideas for your own fragrance garden, you can visit one of the perfume gardens in Germany, for example on the flower island Mainau in Lake Constance, in the family garden Eberswalde, in the theme garden in South Park Dusseldorf, in the Rhododendron Park in Bremen or in the Botanical Garden in Berlin. (Dr. Utz Anhalt)