Fragrant fabric softener unsuitable for allergy sufferers

Fragrant fabric softener unsuitable for allergy sufferers / Health News

Fragrant fabric softener unsuitable for allergy sufferers


Fragrances, such as those contained in softener, cause many allergic persons considerable problems, reports the German Allergy and Asthma Association (DAAB). According to the information provided by the DAAB „the incompatibility of fragrances as a contact allergy in the form of allergic contact dermatitis“ and „In Germany, about 15 to 20 percent of the population is affected.“

Sensitive people advise the experts completely to renounce fabric softener, even if the freshly washed laundry is then less fragrant and fluffy. The waiver also applies to asthmatics, as in ironing the vapors of the fabric softener be inhaled, the news agency „dpa“ citing Silvia Pleschka, chemist at the German Allergy and Asthma Association.

Although fragrance allergy sufferers actually only need to avoid the fragrance that is relevant to them, nevertheless „this is not easy despite the obligation to declare cosmetics“, so the message of the DAAB. Because on the packaging would often only collective terms such as „Perfume“, or „Aroma“ Although they refer to the contained fragrances, but do not name them more precisely. „The composition and the contents of the individual components are not declared - with the exception of the 26 fragrances, which are noticed by a high allergy potential“, so the message of the DAAB. But here too, the Cosmetics Directive only requires a declaration obligation if certain concentrations are exceeded. The limits are for products that are not on the skin, such as shower gel or shampoo at a concentration of 0.01 percent and products that remain on the skin, such as lotions, deodorant, make-up or sunscreen at a concentration of 0.001 Percent. All in all, the legal regulations make the detection of fragrances contained extremely difficult on the basis of the packaging information.

Use fabric softener without fragrances or dryers
Allergy sufferers, who do not want to do without fluffy laundry, can resort to products without fragrances or use a tumble dryer. This makes the clothes soft, without any health side effects for humans, reports the news agency „dpa“ with reference to Bernd Glassl of the industry association for personal care and laundry detergent (IKW). From home remedies such as vinegar or colloidal silver as a substitute for the softener should be discouraged. „Vinegar can lead to irritant reactions in asthmatics, colloidal silver in healthy people attack the natural skin flora“, quotes the „dpa“ the chemist of the DAAB. (Fp)