Streptococcus infection - causes, symptoms, infection

Streptococcus infection - causes, symptoms, infection / Diseases
Streptococci are a group of bacteria whose species haunt us as pathogens of various diseases and settle mainly on the mucous membranes. Infection with streptococci is usually not the first disease, because the bacteria can only spread in the body when the immune system is fallow.


  • What do streptococci do??
  • Which streptococcus species are there?
  • Danger to the unborn child
  • How do you become infected with streptococci??
  • Contaminated surfaces
  • Lack of hygiene
  • Kissing, sneezing and coughing
  • Different symptoms
  • Blood poisoning and necrosis
  • Borkenflechte
  • scarlet
  • The toxic shock
  • B streptococci
  • diagnosis
  • Treatment for streptococci
  • Frequency of the disease
  • Legal provisions
  • Special risk groups

What do streptococci do??

Streptococci usually enter the body through droplets or touches of an infected person. Depending on the pathogen they cause, for example, an inflammation of the tonsils and the palate, but can even ignite the heart and lungs. Then the bacteria sometimes endanger life. Strictly speaking, the diseases are not caused by the streptococci themselves, but by their excretions. Without treatment, the bacteria in the body spread and consequential diseases arise. The incubation period is between 3 days and two weeks.

Streptococci are a group of bacteria that can cause a variety of diseases. (Image: Tatiana Shepeleva /

Which streptococcus species are there?

Streptococcus pyogenes means "pus inducing". This species gets into the body mainly through the oral mucous membranes and triggers scarlet fever, almond and pharyngeal inflammations. More problematic are the reactions of the immune system to these bacteria. These "cross reactions" can trigger inflammation of the skin and joints as well as the muscles and the heart.

Streptococcus pneumoniae primarily affects the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and typically causes pneumonia. However, these bacteria can also cause meningitis, otitis media, sinusitis, and corneal inflammation of the eyes.

Streptococcus mutans is a species that affects almost every person. It triggers caries. The secretions of these streptococci contain acid that damages the tooth surface. This creates holes in the teeth. Streptococcus mutans also causes inflammation of the teeth, gums and tongue.

Danger to the unborn child

The bacteria pose a danger to fetuses as they rise from the genital area to the uterine cavity in the uterus. Pregnant women should therefore avoid all opportunities to become infected with streptococci.

The species Streptococcus pyogenes is usually transmitted via droplet infection or close body contact. (Image: Andrey Popov /

How do you become infected with streptococci??

Streptococci are transmitted through a droplet or smear infection. They are widespread and usually we always have a small number of these bacteria in the body. Problems only arise when their immune system is weakened, be it due to a chronic illness, be it a recent surgery or a congenital immune deficiency.

Also, immediately preceding diseases shift the forces between the defenses and streptococci. This may already be a flu infection, but especially severe diseases such as glandular fever or tumors. Drug and alcohol abuse weaken the immune system to such an extent that the pathogens can implant themselves in the body. Not only can you multiply better now, but a small amount of bacteria can cause disease.

A weak immune system is particularly the cause of streptococcal infections, which are located in the respiratory tract and body orifices, ie inflammation of the ear, nose and throat, in the throat, on the tonsils and the paranasal sinuses.

Contaminated surfaces

The bacteria are also found on non-cleaned surfaces, on faucets, door handles or on tram seats. If foods are not stored in a sterile environment, they may also contain streptococci. Even if properly stored, they will transfer if one of them infects the food with his hands. Unlike droplet infection, prevention is easy here: wash your hands if you have touched potentially contaminated surfaces and wash food thoroughly.

Lack of hygiene

This translates into the third risk, namely lack of hygiene. In order to get infected with streptococci it is enough to wipe your nose once with bacteria-contaminated hands or scratch your gums. You can avoid this risk by washing your hands regularly.

Kissing, sneezing and coughing

As streptococci also spread through droplets, you can also become infected by the proximity to sufferers. It does not even have to be the kiss of an infected partner. It is enough that an infected person sits in the streetcar opposite them and sneezes. Especially streptococci in water droplets can travel long distances with the air. If you are infected, be sure to sniff or sneeze into a cloth; if someone else sneezes or sniffs, you also hold a cloth in front of your nose and mouth.

Open wounds invite streptococci and other bacteria. On the one hand, the immune system is fully occupied, and on the other hand, there is direct access to the body. Therefore, be sure to disinfect and cover a wound immediately.

In case of a streptococcal infection, you should always sneeze in a cloth so as not to infect others. (Image: ryanking999 /

Different symptoms

Streptococcal infections are "tricky". On the one hand, the different types of bacteria trigger different symptoms, on the other hand, these symptoms are nonspecific and can be seen in their entirety as caused by streptococcus.

Streptococcus pyogenes is slightly more harmless than it can be: the "classic" symptom here is tonsillitis. But the almonds, a kind of protective barrier for the vital organs inside the body, ignite for many reasons. Their task as a "dirt filter" entails that they often ignite. Nothing in evolution is perfect, and almonds show that they are often so damaged by the substances they intercept themselves that they ignite themselves over and over again. The diagnosis "tonsillitis" may therefore be an indication of streptococci, but it does not have to.

The common symptoms of streptococcal infection also occur in other infectious diseases, bacterial and viral infestation. These include fatigue, fever, high blood pressure, body aches, sore throat and headaches. Other possible symptoms include earache, redness, swelling, heart rhythm disturbances, dizziness, chills, malaise, generalized weakness, nausea and vomiting.

Blood poisoning and necrosis

This uncertainty would not be dramatic if it remained with a pure tonsillitis. But pyogenes spreads well in the blood, and so follows the inflammation of the tonsils and neck easily a flood of bacteria in the bloodstream. Now it gets serious, because once in the blood, the pathogens cause systemic diseases - even blood poisoning, inflammation of the heart or tissue necrosis, which can lead to death.


Pyogenes can infect the skin as well as the subcutaneous tissues, muscles and fascia. Typical is the contagious Borkenflechte, especially on the mouth, nose and legs. Pustules form, they break up and lead to encrustation (scab).


We know scarlet fever as an independent disease, but it is a streptococcal infection, which manifests itself as an exanthem, caused by a poison of the bacterial excretions.

The disease is found in small blotchy papules, which occur on the upper part of the body on the first day of the disease and spread all over the palms and soles of the feet. The patients are pale, their tongue is characteristically raspberry red. The rash disappears after about a week, then the skin shivers.

Scarlet traditionally moved the vernacular to near measles, rubella and chickenpox because of its symptoms, and was considered a typical childhood disease. But unlike these other infections, disease does not lead to long-term immunization. The immune system defends the streptococci only acutely, a multiple infection with scarlet fever is possible at any time.

The toxic shock

The streptococcal Toxic Shock Syndrome is also caused by the toxins of the excretions. Here it comes to a shock and a multi-organ failure. Every third affected person dies. If a toxic shock is indicated, immediate treatment in the intensive care unit is necessary.

Whether a pregnant B-streptococcus carries in itself, the gynecologist can easily determine by a smear. (Image: Melpomene /

B streptococci

B-streptococci are in the vagina of every third pregnant woman without the expectant mothers being ill. In the newborn that has not yet developed immune defense, but it can come to a disease. There is a risk of meningitis.

At the end of pregnancy (weeks 35 to 37), the gynecologist can detect the bacteria by means of a vaginal or rectal smear. The person then receives an antibiotic, usually penicillin. Since the pathogens are usually present in small quantities, usually the one or two-time intake is sufficient.


In order to recognize the bacteria, a detailed discussion between doctor and patient is necessary. It's about the specific pain and symptoms. Then the doctor looks for the body to visual changes: Is the skin reddened? The oral cavity? Are almonds or lymphs swollen? Or the ear?

If the doctor now suspects streptococcus, he takes a blood or saliva sample, in the laboratory, the corresponding bacterial species can be detected. First, the doctor usually performs an antigen rapid test. A positive result shows an infection with streptococci of serogroup A. The exact nature of this can only be determined by a special laboratory, but this is irrelevant for the treatment.

Treatment for streptococci

Streptococci are bacteria and can therefore be treated with antibiotics. These are the drug of first choice when the pathogens have taken root in the body. For infections of the skin there are antibacterial ointments and creams. The antibiotics mainly contain penicillin, clarithromycin or erythromycin.

Pyogenes is not resistant to penicillin in Germany. Therefore, a 10-day dose of penicillin is effective against infections in the throat and on the skin. If patients are allergic to penicillin, cephalosporins, erythromycin or other macrolides may be an alternative. They should also be taken for up to 10 days. However, pyogenes is resistant to erythromycin in 38% of the treatments. In case of toxic shock, sepsis or tissue necrosis, clindamycin is required in addition to penicillin.

The symptoms of streptococcal inflammation in the palate, throat or tonsils can be alleviated by medicines to treat sore throats. Effective home remedies for sore throats are sage tea and salt water.

You should go to the doctor early, because an incipient infection with streptococci can be treated well. Within a few days the pathogens are usually destroyed. An advanced infection may mean sepsis or even death.

Frequency of the disease

Pyogenic infections of the throat are among the most common bacterial infections in children between the ages of 6 and 12 years. In Germany, there are probably up to 1.5 million infections per year. In most cases, these remain unproblematic and many sufferers perceive this as a flu or short fever fever.

Purulent streptococcal dermatitis is most prevalent in the tropics and subtropics, especially in infants. Due to the high humidity, bacteria can collect well on the skin here, inadequate hygienic conditions and poverty additionally provide the pathogens with a breeding ground. The immune system of affected infants is often already weakened by other diseases and malnutrition, clean water is missing as well as sterile foods. The bacteria can also spread through the coexistence of people in a confined space well.

In the case of a Streptococcus pyogenes infection, according to the Infection Protection Act, the patients are not allowed to work in community facilities in which they have contact with the caregivers. (Image: baranq /

Legal provisions

The Infection Protection Act prohibits people infected with Streptococcus pyogenes from working in community care, education, supervision, and other settings where they have contact with those cared for. The doctor decides when there is no longer any danger of transmitting the disease. If you are taking antibiotic therapy, you may return to work on the second day, when symptoms are no longer present.

During the infection, those affected may neither enter nor use the community facilities nor attend events.

For skin diseases caused by streptococci, § 42 of the Infection Protection Act applies. Affected persons should not carry out any activities during the infection where they come into contact with food, in supermarkets, or in restaurants or kitchens, when producing or transporting food.

Heads of community facilities are required to notify the health department if their facility has a case of scarlet fever or other streptococcal infection.

Special risk groups

Streptococcal infections are particularly dangerous for patients who have HIV or diabetes. Here the excretions of the bacteria can trigger a septic shock. (Dr. Utz Anhalt)
Specialist supervision: Barbara Schindewolf-Lensch (doctor)