Vocal cord nodules

Vocal cord nodules / Diseases

Vocal cord nodules

Hoarseness and rough voice can be vocal cord nodules. Especially people in speaking professions, such as teachers or singers, are afraid of this problem, which can have a negative effect on the voice quality. But even in children, the nodules often form, which are then often referred to as "crying noodle". If it is most often the deliberate preservation of the voice as well as vocal and speech therapy exercises that are used for treatment, the healing process can be supported in many cases by systemic advice and remedies from natural medicine.

Symptoms and discomfort in vocal cord nodules
Functional and psychological causes
Therapy in medicine and naturopathy
Speech therapy and family counseling


Cryptopharyngeal nodules, phonation nodules, vocal nodules, vocal cord nodules, vocal nodules, vocal cord nodules, vocal cord, tumor of the vocal folds, vocal nodules, corns of the vocal folds.

Increased hoarseness may indicate vocal cord nodules

Symptoms and discomfort in vocal cord nodules

Basically, the quality and performance of the voice are impaired. Speaking can be very stressful for those affected and the voice can be additionalbe very rough, it may come to hoarseness. In vocal cord nodules can also persist Räusperzwang. Thus, the vocal cord nodules are often associated with a voice disturbance.

Functional and psychological causes

It is believed that when properly predisposed, heavy stress on the voice or irritants such as smoke cause the organic changes to the vocal folds. This happens regardless of age in infants, primarily by a lot of crying (Schreiknötchen), in adults primarily by a lot of loud talking or singing. In particular, an unphysiological coordination of respiratory and speech organs contribute to the formation of thickening of the vocal folds.

In children, the family environment should always be included to find the cause. What is the reason for the behavior? Behind it may be a hearing problem (hearing loss) of the closest caregiver, which makes the screaming necessary, or it is for other reasons too late responding to the call of the little child.
Screaming and nodding can also bring along the secondary gain of increased attention and attention (at home, in kindergarten, at the doctor's), such as when siblings are added. Many parents nowadays also want to meet their children "at eye level" and can hardly dictate rules or live their own lives. If the hierarchies have slipped in this way, the screaming may loudly call for limits and hold. However, shouting may also fulfill a function for the whole family system, e.g. to express an anger (possibly several generations old). Systemic inquiries or family appointments can only be handled very individually here; as a rule, family members become aware of relevant information in the course of the consultation.

Therapy in medicine and naturopathy

Conventionally, it is possible to surgically remove the vocal fold nodules. However, preference should first be given to those treatment options that are available in speech and voice therapy as well as naturopathy and psychotherapy.

In the acute case, the voice should be spared as far as possible, overload and irritants should be avoided. For dry air, v.a. In winter, it is helpful to pay attention to adequate humidity. For this purpose, damp cloths can be placed on the heater. To protect the overused mucous membranes in the larynx mucilage drugs such as marshmallow root and Icelandic moss as well as gargling with a saline solution for moisturization are recommended. Also, other home remedies for hoarseness support the healing in a natural way.

Speech therapy and family counseling

In voice and voice therapy unfavorable breathing patterns, especially during the speech process, worked out. Targeted exercises on the perception and physiological use of respiration and speech organs teaches to avoid a future rubbing together of the vocal folds.

In children, this work is very playful, e.g. with puffing and sucking games and funny mouth muscle training. Ideally, therapy with children should be supplemented with systemic counseling or other forms of family counseling to eliminate the causes of retention or new development of the vocal cord nodules.

Adults who want to learn about the background and possible solutions to their symptoms and avoid relapses should recommend self-organized hypnotherapy, which can also be supplemented with self-hypnosis by means of healing-promoting exercises. (tf & jvs)

Image: Beßler / Havlena 

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Vocal cord inflammation
Home remedies for hoarseness