Diseases - Page 22


Chronic pain fibromyalgia One symptom that keeps on haunting the media and medical institutions in Germany is fibromyalgia. Above all,...


Dyslipidemia Lipid metabolism disorders are among the most prevalent with diabetes Metabolic Diseases. The disorders of the lipid metabolism may...

Fatty liver causes and therapy

Liver adiposity / steatosis hepatis The fatty liver is a very common complaint in modern affluent societies. In the past,...

Heel spur - bone outgrowth on the foot bones

Many people develop a heel spur in the course of their life, which is characterized by hacking pain, which can...

Genital warts - symptoms and treatment

Genital warts: these are the signs and therapy Warts are not talked about, they are hidden as best they can,...

Ewing's sarcoma - causes, symptoms and chances of recovery

Bone cancer in children and adolescents: Ewing's sarcoma Primary malignant bone tumors, so-called sarcomas, represent a rare form of cancer....

Food Addiction - Binge Eating Causes, Symptoms and Therapy

Food cravings and uncontrolled gaggingPeople who suffer from food addiction gobble up tons of food in spurts. They have so-called...

Eating Disorders Anorexia Nervosa (Anorexia)

Anorexia nervosa is the most common psychiatric eating disorder The most commonly diagnosed eating disorder is anorexia nervosa. Mostly, girls...

Fatigue Syndrome - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Fatigue states - causes and therapy Conditions of exhaustion are already an extreme burden in everyday life. Even worse, however,...