Nail Fungus - Causes, Symptoms, Home Remedies and Therapy

Nail Fungus - Causes, Symptoms, Home Remedies and Therapy / Diseases
Nail fungus - home remedies can help
A nail fungus not only looks ugly, but is a disease that must be treated. Simultaneous use of naturopathic therapies and / or home remedies can aid in healing well.

When it comes to nail fungus, it usually refers to the fungus in the toenails. Nail fungus is much less common on the hands. The reason for this is that the feet are much more likely to be in a warm and humid climate, which the mushrooms like very much. Most commonly, the big toe and small toe are affected by nail fungus. However, fungi can usually affect all parts of the skin and their appendages such as nails and hair. In the jargon, nail fungus is called onychomycosis.


  • Pathogens, risk factors
  • infection
  • symptoms
  • Nail fungus in diabetics
  • treatment
  • Preventive measures
  • home remedies
  • coconut oil
  • Essential oils: lavender oil, oregano oil, thyme oil, tea tree oil
  • horseradish
  • marigold
  • bicarbonate of soda
  • sage
  • brine
  • Naturopathic therapies
  • Summary

Pathogens, risk factors

Pathogens for nail fungus infections are filamentous fungi, yeasts and molds, with the filamentous fungi being the main culprits. They need horn material (keratin) for their existence. For the pathogens to penetrate, the cornea of ​​the nail must be defective. Maybe an already existing skin fungus will attack the nail - the reverse order is also possible. A foot fungus can heal without treatment, but not a nail fungus.

Although these pathogens are on the skin and nails, they do not necessarily cause illness. In general, other (risk) factors are involved in the development of nail fungus. These include genetic predisposition, air-impermeable, tight footwear, sweating in the shoe, unsuitable material of the socks (synthetic), circulatory disorders, diabetes mellitus, psoriasis (psoriasis), disorders in lymphatic drainage and vascular diseases.

Nail fungus usually does not heal on its own, but requires a lengthy treatment to avoid further health risks. (Image: Svenni /

Groups of people like athletes and seniors are more likely to get nail fungus. Athletes, because they often sweat, possibly wear too tight shoes and thereby have the smallest injuries in the nail area. Seniors tend to because their immune system is often not working so well, the defenses in the skin subsides and the circulation is no longer optimal. Strong smokers are also among the risk groups.

The nail fungus infections occur in places such as saunas, public swimming pools, gymnasiums, gyms or other facilities with shared showers and changing rooms. (Image: biker3 /


The pathogens lurk especially where many people walk barefoot, such as in saunas, public swimming pools, gymnasiums, gyms, showers and changing rooms. But also floor coverings or towels can transmit the fungal spores. The fungus directly attacks the nail, enters via the nail bed and / or spreads due to an existing athlete's foot.


The symptoms of nail fungus are nail discoloration (yellowish, brownish), the nails lose their luster and become increasingly cloudy to opaque. Furthermore, they do not grow properly and the cuticles get inflamed. The nail plate becomes thicker and uneven and crumbles on the free edges. If the fungus is ignored completely and not treated at all, this leads in the worst case to a complete destruction of the nail plate. This then dissolves from the nail bed. In addition, a nail bed infection may develop, which is not only quite painful, but can spread to other nails and on the skin.

For diabetics, a nail fungus infection can quickly become dangerous. Regular professional foot care minimizes the risk of complications. (Image: schwede-photodesign /

Nail fungus in diabetics

Diabetics are among the risk patients for the development of a nail fungus. Many of them suffer again and again. This is because these patients often have poor circulation and, in addition, a weakened immune system. It is also known that diabetics with a nail fungus are more likely to have an open ulcer on their feet than diabetics without a fungal disease. The patients often suffer from so-called neuropathies, with the result that they do not feel any damage to the skin surface and the pathogens can penetrate completely unnoticed. Therefore, the treatment of nail fungus in diabetics is particularly important and requires a very careful implementation. If the applied remedies do not work, it is essential to consult the doctor again.


A doctor usually recognizes the nail fungus by its characteristic appearance. But there are other nail diseases, such as nail eczema, nail psoriasis and nodular lichen, which are similar to the fungal disease. Therefore, a piece of the nail is usually examined in the laboratory, created a fungal culture and thus determines the type of fungus that is responsible for the disease. Thus, the exact diagnosis can be made and the nail fungus can be treated specifically.

In orthodox medicine nail varnishes, creams, solutions and ointments are available. Depending on the extent of the nail fungus and the previous disease, such as diabetes mellitus, is treated systemically, which means that the victims are prescribed together with the local therapy, a drug that is taken orally. This, of course, spreads throughout the bloodstream and can therefore cause some side effects, such as nausea, loss of appetite, dark urine, swollen lymph glands, and massive fatigue.

The earlier the fungus is treated, the faster it heals. Otherwise, the therapy can take a long time, the fungus completely damage the nail and may even spread to the skin. The treatment takes time, up to a year, and must be done carefully and consistently. Even if there are no symptoms, spores may still be present.

Preventive measures

The pathogens for nail fungus are not visible to the naked eye. Therefore, preventive measures are important to protect against infection. The mushrooms love moisture - this is to escape them. These include daily changing of the socks and, if necessary, as for example in massive sweating, more often. Synthetic materials are best avoided. After washing, the feet are dried well, especially between the toes. In public swimming pools, saunas, etc. should always own bathing shoes worn and the offered disinfectant showers rather not be used. As the disinfectant contained in it damages the skin flora, which destroys the natural skin barrier and makes germs feel good.

Towels are best not shared with others and always washed at a minimum of 60 ° C. In order not to infect others, barefoot walking is best avoided. This is also recommended at home, so that family members do not catch each other. Furthermore, wearing well-fitting and, above all, not too tight shoes is recommended. These are at best made of a breathable material. Sneakers are best worn only for sports. Regular nail care is important. Diabetics should take pedicures and manicures seriously and regularly check their nails for changes. The best way to use disposable files, as in a possible fungal infection, this can otherwise be disseminated. If you already have a nail fungus, you can use a fungicidal spray to disinfect the shoes.

home remedies

Home remedies for nail fungus can be used at the same time as orthodox medicine.

Coconut oil is versatile and is used in natural medicine for the treatment of nail fungus. (Image: xuanhuongho /

coconut oil

Here is the first to call the coconut oil, which is now on everyone's lips. This oil inhibits fungal growth and has a healing effect on the nail and the surrounding skin. The coconut oil is massaged at least twice a day in the affected nail areas - this best with a disposable glove. In addition, the internal intake of coconut oil is recommended.

Essential oils: lavender oil, oregano oil, thyme oil, tea tree oil

Essential lavender oil has an antimycotic effect. However, this is not applied neat, but best mixed with a carrier oil. Here is the coconut oil recommended. This enhances the effect. Two to three drops of lavender essential oil are added to 20 ml of coconut oil. This is then used as pure coconut oil. Those who do not like lavender oil use oregano, thyme or tea tree oil. An oil mixture is also possible.


Horseradish is best known as a home remedy for sinus infections. This root is extremely germicidal and therefore has its field of application here. It is rubbed and diluted 1: 1 with boiled water. This mixture is blotted several times a day with a cotton swab. The home remedy is stored in the fridge. However, the application is not completely safe. Horseradish is very spicy and can irritate the skin. So, in addition, especially with repeated use, the nail with an oil - for example, almond oil or olive oil - should be maintained.


The marigold is not only pretty to look at, it also contains many healing substances. It disinfects, has wound healing and germicides. A teaspoon of a marigold essence, which can be purchased at any pharmacy, is mixed with a quarter liter of boiled water and then dabbed on the affected areas - this is best several times a day.

bicarbonate of soda

Quite ordinary household soda, which is normally used for baking, is in demand here. From soda and a little water, a porridge is stirred and put on the nail. This causes the fungal spores to be inhibited in their multiplication. The porridge remains on the nail until it is dried off and is then washed off with lukewarm water.


Sage tea is a home remedy for excessive perspiration. Sage is the drug of choice if the sufferer is prone to increased sweating on the feet. Once inside, two to three cups a day and then for dabbing or in the foot bath. For internal use is to say that the drinking of sage tea may not be exaggerated. Sage tea can cause stomach irritation - so be careful and take a break after two weeks.


In nail fungus, the brine is used both internally and externally. Salt crystals are covered with spring water in a screw-top jar. After about an hour, the 26-percent brine is ready. Every day one teaspoonful of it is stirred into a glass of water and drunk. Externally, the brine is dabbed twice a day.

The salt chunks in the screw jar must always be covered with spring water, so the brine can be used for a long time.

Naturopathic therapies

Naturopathic therapies can be performed along with conventional medical treatment for nail fungus. Naturopathy likes to use nasturtium from phytotherapy. It has an antimycotic and positive effect on the immune system. It is usually applied internally in the mother tincture.

Those affected are additionally recommended for home cold brushing of the nails followed by oak bark footbath. For this purpose, bring 50g of oak bark to a boil with half a liter of cold water, boil for about 20 minutes, then strain off and add to the footbath.

Schuessler salts are used not only internally, but also externally against nail fungus, namely the salts No. 1 Calcium fluoratum, No. 3 Ferrum phosphoricum and No. 11 Silicea. Externally, a pulp is mixed with the salts and some water and applied or the appropriate Schüßler ointments are used.

Homeopathy also has its right to exist in nail fungus treatment. Remedies that can help are Sepia, Antimonium crudum, Silicea, Thuja and Acidum hydrofluoricum. The therapist selects the appropriate remedy based on the patient's history.

If there is an underlying disease, it is generally attempted to treat it. Popular forms of therapy in naturopathic practice are acupuncture, phytotherapy and foot reflexology.

Nail fungus always requires a look at the immune system. This is strengthened by suitable dietary supplements such as zinc, vitamin C and vitamin D. The intake of black cumin oil has a stimulating effect on the immune system. A self-blood therapy and anthroposophic medicine can also help.


In summary it can be said that a nail fungus must be taken seriously. Hygiene, regular pedicures, manicures and barefoot running are all very important. Eventually, the immune system needs to be strengthened. It is important to ensure a healthy, vitamin-rich and basic food. (Sw)
Specialist supervision: Barbara Schindewolf-Lensch (doctor)