Hailstone - causes and treatment

Hailstone - causes and treatment / Diseases

Hailstone Chalazion - Therapies and Symptoms

A hailstone, also called chalazion, is usually harmless and often passes away by itself. What causes this eye disease, which home remedies and natural remedies help and what possible complications can occur, you will learn in the following lines.


  • Hailstone Chalazion - Therapies and Symptoms
  • How the hailstones arise
  • causes
  • complaints
  • Visit to the Doctor?
  • home remedies
  • warmth
  • Lidmassagen
  • Natural Remedies
  • Recurring hailstones
  • Summary

How the hailstones arise

The hailstone occurs when the gland ducts of the meibomian glands or the Zeis glands are blocked, which then over time leads to chronic inflammation. Both are sebaceous glands. The meibomian glands are located on the eyelids. They grease the lid margin and ensure that the eye does not dry. The Zeis glands open into the hair follicles of the eyelashes and also release sebum, which is important for the smoothness of the eyelashes and the skin.

If the gland ducts are blocked, this causes a secretion jam, which shows itself through a firm, rough knot - the hailstone. This usually grows creeping and causes an inflammation.

A hailstone causes little discomfort in most cases and usually heals after a while. However, more pronounced forms can certainly lead to complications. (Image: wifesun / fotolia.com)


As already mentioned, this nasty knot forms due to gland obstruction. But this is only the direct cause. Skin diseases such as acne or diabetes mellitus can promote the development of eye disease. An inflammation of the lid margin (blepharitis) is also one of the risk factors, and in rare cases, the secretion is also triggered by an eyelid tumor.


In contrast to the barley grain (hordeolum) the hailstone usually does not hurt. However, those affected by the pressure of the node often have an unpleasant tension or foreign body sensation. It all swells up and if the grain is so big that it presses on the eyeball, it can get quite uncomfortable. Maybe even the eyesight is limited. Conjunctivitis may also develop, but this is rarely the case.

Visit to the Doctor?

If the hailstone heals on its own, which may take several weeks, a visit to the doctor is not absolutely necessary. However, if this nodule causes problems, of course, consult an ophthalmologist. This will then first clarify whether it is a hailstone or a barley grain, because the respective treatment methods are different from each other. In a chalazion, the ophthalmologist usually prescribes anti-inflammatory eye drops or ointments.

If the mentioned measures do not help and the hailstone does not heal at all, it can also be surgically removed. Under local anesthetic, a small incision is made, the inflamed tissue is removed, and then examined microscopically. This is important to rule out a very rare condition, an eyelid tumor. Eventually, an antibiotic will be administered.

Chalazion rarely occurs in children. However, if this is the case, a doctor should be consulted.

Excessive hailstones can be removed as part of a minor surgical procedure. (Image: StudioLaMagica / fotolia.com)

home remedies

Hailstones usually respond well to home remedies. Warmth and gentle eyelid massages come first here.


We recommend the dry heat of the red light lamp. It is essential to ensure that the distance to the device is maintained and that the eyes remain closed. It is best to irradiate for about ten minutes two to three times a day.

Another option is to apply moist, warm compresses. It is essential to pay attention to cleanliness. Sterile one-time compresses are best suited for this purpose. These are soaked in hot, boiled water and placed twice daily with the eyes closed for five minutes on the affected area. The heat liquefies the sebum and makes it easier to drain.


Eyelid massages can help to heal a hailstone. These work as follows: Gently stroke the upper lid daily from top to bottom and the lower lid from bottom to top in the direction of the eyelid, from the outer to the inner lid angle.

Crusts and secretions are removed with the help of a cotton pad soaked in boiled water. The procedure corresponds to that of the eyelid massage.

Natural Remedies

Among the natural remedies, homeopathy and Schuessler salts are recommended for a hailstone.

Homeopathic remedies

  • The homeopathic remedy Apis helps with swelling and possible stinging pain.
  • Belladonna is given for redness and inflammation.
  • Staphysagria is the drug of choice for hailstones or barley seeds.
  • Graphites is given for skin conditions and helps liquefy thick secretions.
  • Silicea is always used when pus has accumulated somewhere and at the same time supports wound healing.
In the field of homeopathy, especially Apis, Belladonna, Staphisagria, Graphites and Silica are used against the Chalazion. (Image: Wolfilser / fotolia.com)

Other homeopathic remedies for the treatment of hailstones are Pulsatilla, Hepar sulfurius and Pyrogenium. If nothing else helps, Myrisitica sebifera is used because it promotes pus outbreaks and helps to heal. This is called in the jargon "homeopathic knife".

Schüßler salts

If the whole thing is inflamed, Schuessler salt No. 3, Ferrum phosphoricum, the right remedy. The # 1, calcium fluoratum, liquefies the secretion and # 11, silicea, helps with pus accumulation and is important for wound healing. If the area is swollen, No. 8, sodium chloratum, is recommended.

Recurring hailstones

If a Chalazion heaped up, you should definitely question the causes. The presence of diabetes mellitus or immunodeficiency may be the cause. Another very rare cause is the eyelid tumor.


A hailstone is usually harmless. If this interferes too much or even obstructs the vision, it is necessary to go to the ophthalmologist. Do not try to squeeze the pimple or pierce it. (Sw)
Specialist supervision: Barbara Schindewolf-Lensch (doctor)