Gastritis - Causes, Symptoms and Therapy

Gastritis - Causes, Symptoms and Therapy / Diseases

Gastritis: trigger, typical discomfort and treatment

Inflammation of the gastric mucosa (gastritis), which can be manifested among other things with symptoms such as bloating and abdominal pain, distinguishes between acute and chronic gastritis. The disease, also known as irritable stomach, is often triggered by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. Damage to the gastric mucosa is referred to as erosive gastritis.


  • Gastritis: trigger, typical discomfort and treatment
  • Symptoms of various forms of gastritis
  • Three types of gastritis
  • Type A: autoimmune gastritis
  • Type B: The bacterial gastritis
  • Type C: The chemical-toxic gastritis
  • Diagnosis - First rule out malignant diseases
  • Treatment of gastritis
  • Healthy diet helps with irritable stomach
  • Home remedy for gastritis

Symptoms of various forms of gastritis

The disease is divided into an acute and a chronic form, the symptoms vary quite.

Acute gastritis

In acute gastritis, symptoms such as

  • stomach pressure,
  • heartburn,
  • anorexia,
  • Nausea and vomiting,
  • Stomach ache or
  • stomach cramps.
The bacterium Helicobacter pylori is responsible for about 80% of all gastritis diseases. (Picture: Kateryna_Kon /

Chronic gastritis

Chronic gastritis is rather unremarkable in contrast to the acute. Occasionally occurring abdominal pain and heartburn can be an indication. Gastritis caused by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori may cause other symptoms such as:

  • Epigastric pain,
  • bloating,
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • as well as pernicious anemia (anemia due to vitamin B12 deficiency).

In erosive gastritis, when superficial defects of the mucous membrane have arisen, tarry stools and vomiting of blood may occur. Chronic gastritis may have few symptoms for months to years, or less discomfort such as sporadic onset. Heartburns are lost.

Three types of gastritis

Experts also speak of three types of gastritis, which differ from one another mainly in their cause. But the treatment and the chances of recovery of the three types of gastritis are not identical.

Type A: autoimmune gastritis

The fact that the immune system turns against the so-called parietal cells in the stomach and degrades them, the absorption of B12 in the body is prevented. This leads to a vitamin B12 deficiency, which in turn can trigger pernicious anemia. This autoimmune disease occurs only in about three to six percent of gastritis patients.

In diagnostics, two factors are indicative of autoimmune gastritis. The gastric wall, in which the parietal cells are normally found, appears smooth rather than wavy in a gastroscopy, becoming atrophic. That is why autoimmune gastritis is also called atrophic gastritis.

The disappearance of the parietal cells produces less stomach acid and intrinsic factor. The intrinsic factor is needed in the lower small intestine to allow the absorption of vitamin B12. Therefore, a lack of vitamin B12 may be an indication of autoimmune gastritis. Type A gastritis is considered a risk factor for gastric carcinoma.

Type B: The bacterial gastritis

Every second person carries the bacterium Helicobacter pylori in the stomach, which mainly colonizes the lower part of the stomach, the "vestibule of the gatekeeper". It is now considered the main cause of gastritis. Up to 80 percent of all chronic irritable bowel diseases are caused by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. Gastritis caused by Helicobacter pylori is also considered a risk factor for gastric and duodenal ulcers and gastric carcinoma.

Type C: The chemical-toxic gastritis

Irritants like

  • alcohol,
  • nicotine,
  • Medicines (e.g., acetylsalicin and antirheumatics),
  • certain foods and
  • the reflux of bile juice

can cause gastritis.

Too spicy foods can trigger an acute irritable stomach. (Image: monticellllo /

Increased acute gastritis occurs after severe burns or surgery, but also psychological stress in the private or professional environment can trigger a stress-related acute or chronic gastritis.

Diagnosis - First rule out malignant diseases

With the help of imaging techniques, tissue sampling and examinations in specialist practice, malignant diseases, in particular gastric carcinoma, must first be ruled out. The diagnosis is then based on the described symptoms and a laboratory examination of breath or stool (Helicobacter pylori and other bacteria) and blood (anemia or vitamin B12 deficiency). In naturopathic practice, the diagnosis assurance and treatment planning also come with the

  • Bioresonanzmessung,
  • electroacupuncture,
  • Darkfield diagnostics,
  • Tens places Tung

and other methods are used.

In the absence of organic findings, the exclusion diagnosis of irritable stomach (functional dypepsia), which is psycho-vegetative and frequently occurs due to stress and inadequate conflict processing, is commonly used. Naturally, however, those affected are also on

  • an incorrect colonization of the bacterial intestinal flora,
  • intestinal yeast,
  • Food intolerances or food allergies
  • as well as a latent Helicobacter infection

examined and treated.

Treatment of gastritis

Depending on the type of gastritis, different agents are used in the treatment.

Intake of vitamin B12

In a type A gastris, ie the autoimmune disease, vitamin B12 is injected intramuscularly at regular intervals (approximately once a month) in order to prevent vitamin B12 deficiency and the concomitant pernicious anemia. In addition, in case of a possible iron deficiency in the selection of food must be paid to a high iron value. Dietary supplements with iron are a great way to counteract iron deficiency. A cure of autoimmune gastritis is not possible.

Regular injections of vitamin B12 are necessary for type A gastrtis. (Image: ExQuisine /

Antibiotics against bacteria

In addition to acid binders and acid inhibitors or proton pump inhibitors, which are used to lower the level of acidity and so relieve the symptoms of heartburn, antibiotics are also used, which affect approximately 70 percent of those affected positively. A particular problem with the treatment is the high adaptability of the bacterium.

In erosion of the mucous membrane Ulkustherapeutika used and also - as in the natural healing practice - general measures to relieve the stomach and the reduction of acid production are recommended.

The naturopathic treatment is based on the found cause. In Helicobacter infection in combination e.g..

  • basic bismuth,
  • acid-regulating minerals,
  • vitamin supplements,
  • Drugs for toxin release and
  • Helicobacter Autonosoden


Also, a comprehensive isopathic milieu therapy (Sanum therapy) with or without dark field microscopy, can replace the treatment with antibiotics. In addition, there is a plethora of symptomatic self-care measures such as heartburn relief, indigestion, nausea and vomiting. The focus is primarily on plants with anti-inflammatory and mucous-containing active ingredients that form a protective film on the stomach lining.

Healthy diet helps with irritable stomach

In the case of gastritis, it helps to avoid foods and drinks that irritate the stomach. This is especially true for Type B and C gastritis. Drinking a lot is important for gastritis, but the following drinks should be avoided:

  • alcohol,
  • coffee,
  • fruit juices,
  • carbonated water and
  • sodas.

For food should be dispensed with hot spices and fried. Instead, a meal plan is suitable

  • Oatmeal (also a proven home remedy for heartburn),
  • grated apple,
  • potatoes,
  • Pasta and
  • rice.

The renunciation of sugar is also crucial to reduce the irritation of the gastric mucosa. Generally with a gastric mucosa: Better small meals at intervals of three to four hours as large meals! In addition, sufferers should always chew thoroughly.

Home remedy for gastritis

In addition to a stomach-sparing diet, stomach-calming natural remedies can help to alleviate the symptoms and thus promote the healing process in both acute and chronic gastritis. In particular, the treatment with gastric acid regulating home remedies can prevent acute gastritis from becoming a chronic disease of the gastric mucosa.

Tea to calm the stomach

Various herbal teas soothe the stomach and so relieve the symptoms of gastritis:

  • Chamomile tea, the classic of medicinal herbs, helps particularly well in conjunction with a Rollkur. Brew two teaspoons of dried chamomile flowers with 250 ml of boiling water and leave the infusion covered for about ten minutes.
  • Peppermint as a tea. Peppermint is also offered in pharmacies as tablets, but these are only recommended after consultation with their family doctor.
  • An infusion of fennel seeds, three times a day over a week.
  • Ginger tea, about a teaspoon with hot water pour over.
  • Mallow leaves as tea, also three times a day.
  • Green tea is effective in gastritis because of its high antioxidant content.
An infusion of fennel seeds helps to calm the stomach. (Image: emer /

In addition to the healing teas, there are also other plants that promote the healing process in gastritis:

  • Flaxseed: Soak two tablespoons of it in half a liter of water overnight, boil briefly the next day, strain and drink throughout the day. The linseed mucus forms a protective layer on the irritated gastric mucosa.
  • Likewise calamus root acts. It also has antibacterial effect and fights the Helicobacter bacteria. Only certified extracts from the pharmacy should be used.
  • An infusion of dried strawberries, pour about a teaspoon of hot water and drink two to three times a day. They contain antioxidants that fight gastritis.
  • Recent research has shown that broccoli sprouts, due to their high content of sulforaphane, can fight Helicobacter infections.

In addition, treatment with healing clay can be an effective remedy for gastritis. At least two hours after the last meal, a teaspoon of healing clay is dissolved in water and drunk. It is especially recommended to take it before going to sleep, because excess stomach acid is bound by the healing earth overnight and so the stomach can calm down. However, when taking Healing Earth is to be noted that on the one hand can lead to digestive problems and on the other can interact with other drugs. Therefore, the consultation with your doctor is recommended here. (fp, ok, updated on 09.04.2018)
Specialist supervision: Barbara Schindewolf-Lensch (doctor)