Ovarian cysts

Ovarian cysts / Diseases

Cysts on the ovaries

Fluid accumulations in the ovary are referred to as functional ovarian cysts, which occur mainly in women shortly after puberty or menopause. High accuracy is important in the diagnosis of ovarian cysts due to the risk of confusion with malignant tumors (ovarian cancer). In addition to changes due to inflammation (pelvic inflammatory disease) and solid ovarian tumors, which may be benign or malignant, ovarian cysts are among the ovarian tumors.

Ovarian cysts
Origin and causes
Symptoms and complications


Cystic ovarian tumors, functional ovarian cysts; ovarian Cysts.

Origin and causes

A distinction is made between follicular cysts, corpus luteum cysts and chocolate cysts (also tar cysts). If there are several cysts on an ovary for months, there is probably a polycystic ovary.

follicular arise when a mature egg (follicle) is about to ovulate, but this fails and the follicle persists in the ovary. The reason for this is assumed to be a hormonal imbalance, the period of development is in most cases the hormonal change in or after puberty and climacteric. Follicular cysts reach a size of about 6 cm.

Corpus luteum cysts (Yellow-body cysts) arise especially at the beginning of a pregnancy from the yellow body, which develops around the ovum after ovulation. Corpus luteum cysts may u.U. become fist-sized.

The chocolate cyst, that too Teerzyste is named after its filling with viscous blood and blood breakdown products. It usually comes in endometriosisbefore and is benign. However, because it has grown together with the tissue around it, it can cause inflammation.

Symptoms and complications

Ovarian cysts can be associated with abdominal pain, the occur in the lower abdomen. In addition, it sometimes leads to cycle disorders, especially the absence of menstruation over one to three menstrual cycles (amenorrhoea). Complications can arise from spontaneous rupture of the cyst wall or a styling around its own axis. These are associated with rapid deterioration of the general condition and acute pelvic pain (acute abdomen).


In many cases, the cysts form again without treatment. Hormones are rarely given support. If the described complications occur, the affected ovary may have to be removed.

Naturopathy offers, for example Preparations from the fruits of Vitex Agnus Castus, the chaste tree whose ingredients provide a hormonal balance and thus support the regression or prevent the further development of cysts. (Dipl.Päd. Jeanette Viñals Stein, non-medical practitioner)

Picture credits: Jerzy / pixelio.de