Jealous selfies can destroy any relationships

Jealous selfies can destroy any relationships / Health News
Social Networks: Selfies can destroy any relationship
People who post many selfies on social networks are happier with their looks, but more often have stress with their partner. This is the conclusion of a new study from the USA. Envy and jealousy play an important role here.
Especially young people are often active on the internet
Young people in particular now spend a large part of their free time on the Internet. It is surfed, chatted and played. Some can not get enough of it. And indeed, in Germany more and more people are affected by online addiction. But even those who still use the network "to a normal extent" may experience disadvantages. So it can have a negative impact on a partnership, if one posts a lot of selfies of itself in the social networks. This was shown in a study in the USA.

Selfies can hurt relationships. Image: lassedesignen -fotolia

It is posted what the stuff holds
Selfies are popular: Not only since the invention of the selfie stick are posted on Facebook, on Instagram or other social networks self-portraits without end. It does not matter if you are alone, with friends or with your partner: people are posing everywhere and taking pictures. However, those who love their relationship should better limit selfie activities. That's what researchers came up with in a Florida State University study.

Selfies can endanger the relationship
Although the study showed that people who post more selfies on Instagram are satisfied with their body image, they also claimed to have more conflicts with their partner. Envy and jealousy play an important role here, as the partner attracts a lot of attention and receives compliments from others. The scientists around Jessica Ridgway and Russell Clayton assume that jealous partners feel threatened and tend to sift through and control the partner's account. In the long run, the relationship will be burdened and not infrequently are quarrels, fraud or even the relationship the result.

Constant self-staging
Although the study can not prove with certainty that the cause for the uncertainty of the partner is actually based on the other person's social media presence. However, according to an earlier study, the self-staging on selfie posts by the partner is often perceived as a narcissistic trait, which means that he can not fully engage with the other. By definition, people who have narcissistic disorders love each other themselves. Not only are they vain, they are also looking for attention. Social media are ideal for that.

Not all Viel posters are narcissists
According to the scientists, those men who edit the photos before publication tended to have a disturbed self-perception in which the appearance plays a central role. However, it was also highlighted that not all men who post many selfies are psychopaths or narcissists. German experts have also recently pointed to the danger of new media partnerships. According to psychologists, constant love messages via WhatsApp can damage relationships. And that on both sides: The writer often expects a quick response that does not come quickly enough and the recipient is often annoyed when the phone keeps flashing. Here, too, you can obviously exaggerate it. (Ad)