Blood sponge (hemangioma) - treatment and effective home remedies

- definition
- Cause still unclear
- diagnosis
- therapy
- Medical therapy
- Operative therapy
- home remedies
- Naturopathic therapy
Blood sponge or hemangioma is a usually benign tumor proliferation of blood vessels. The best known are sponges in the area of the face or head, because they are most conspicuous there. But they can also occur on other organs or organ systems, such as
- reproductive organs,
- liver,
- nervous system
- or kidneys.

About 75 percent of hemangiomas are already present at birth or develop during the first weeks of life, which is why they also occupy a special place in paediatrics. In these cases, there are very good chances of recovery. About 80 percent of the blood sponges that are already present for childbirth recede during the later development of the affected child, even to complete disappearance. A distinction is made between the following main forms of hemangiomas:
- Capillary hemangioma (haemangioma capillary): These sponges make up about 30 to 40 percent of all hemangiomas and consist of capillaries. They usually have a bright red color and formed in many cases until the age of seven by itself back.
- Cavernous hemangioma (Haemangioma cavernosum): A sponge of blood, predominantly red to purple in color, also known as cavernoma. Here, the growths originate from the cavernous vascular cavities and, like capillary hemangiomas, tend to self-regress. However, this form of blood sponges also tends to cause serious complications, including superinfections and necrosis. This is especially dangerous because cavernous hemangiomas are predominantly in the nervous system, brain and spinal cord.
- Sclerosing hemangioma (haemangioma cirsoideum): The sclerosing hemangioma develops mainly in adulthood and manifests as a mobile red vascular node in the dermis and subcutaneous tissue.
- Papillary Body Hemangioma (Haemangioma Plantotuberosum): This blue-red hemangioma arises exclusively from vascular growths below the papillary body of the skin.
In addition to these major divisions, there are still numerous subcategories that classify hemangiomas according to their location or shape, such as the
- Orbital hemangioma (orbital hemangioma),
- Leberhämangiom,
- Placental hemangioma (chorangioma),
- Traubenhämangiom
- or spinal hemangioma.
The orbital or orbital hemangioma originates from the blood vessels of the eye socket. In this form of sponge blood can cause complications, as the hemangioma in the long term can lead to displacements of the eyeball and also to blurred vision. In addition, there is the so-called angiomatosis, which describes the formation of multiple, body-wide vascular or Lymphgeschwulste. An example of vascular angiomatosis is Kasabach-Merritt syndrome, in which multiple cavernous hemangiomas and giant hemangiomas develop. The syndrome affects mainly women and is associated with a coagulation disorder of the blood.
Cause still unclear
The causes underlying the sponge are still largely unexplored. The only assumption that seems to be certain is that a hemangioma occurs when blood vessels re-form or begin to proliferate. As a cause genetic components are discussed, since a familial accumulation is known. In addition, because premature babies in particular are often affected by a sponge and it has a strong correlation to the tissue of the placenta, it is believed that even not completely finished maturation processes in the womb can be the cause. This assumption is supported by an Italian 2014 study, in which scientists found that babies with placental chorangioma were also more susceptible to the development of hemangiomas.
Furthermore, hormonal factors and various toxin influences, such as mother's alcohol and nicotine consumption, are discussed as causes of blood sponge formation.
The diagnosis of hemangioma depends strongly on the extent and location of the growth. In addition to a detailed anamnesis and diagnostic examination further investigation methods should also be considered. This is especially important if an infection of internal organs is suspected. This can potentially lead to severe disturbances of the organ function, for example, when the kidneys, the brain or the liver are affected.
In addition, blood sponges are sometimes also a first indication of a whole body malformation syndrome or a serious hereditary disease. This means that in addition to hemangioma, sufferers may still suffer from other malformations or restrictions. For these reasons, it is important to study those affected in detail and not just to focus on the obvious vascular proliferation. The following examination procedures are available for further diagnostics beyond the anamnesis and physical examination:
- Ultrasound examination (mainly duplex sonography for color representation of the blood flow),
- X-ray,
- CT and MRI as well
- Blood tests, especially with regard to genetic causes.
The treatment of the sponge blood can be designed very differently. Since more than three-quarters of the affected individuals experience an independent regression of vascular overgrowth, the treating physicians very often first go the way of waiting behavior after having been diagnosed. The hemangioma is regularly monitored for size, extent and growth. If there is a regression, nothing is changed in the previous procedure. On the other hand, it looks different when complications occur or when the proliferation of the blood vessels is uncontrolled. Among the threatening complications include:
- bleeding,
- Vascular occlusion by a thrombus,
- ulcerative tissue decay,
- Compression of surrounding organs,
- loss of function,
- Depression due to aesthetic deficits
Even if the hemangioma is located in functionally important places such as sensory organs, mouth area and hands or on cosmetically critical areas such as face, head or genital area, treatment is often recommended. In such cases, the wait-and-see behavior is abandoned and appropriate treatment steps are initiated at an early stage.

Medical therapy
A drug treatment is used under different circumstances. On the one hand, it is necessary if the hemangioma is located at a site that is difficult to reach for surgery or not recommended (for example, in the area of the eye socket). On the other hand, medications are also indicated when the hemangioma proliferates quickly or sufferers suffer from multiple hemangiomas distributed throughout the body. The following groups of medicines are used in particular:
Corticosteroids and interferons
These drug groups are used because they can curb proliferation. They can either be administered systemically through tablets or placed locally in or on the hemangioma. Here, direct injections or an ointment application come into consideration. It should be noted, however, that both pharmaceutical corticosteroids and interferons are hormone preparations that interfere massively with the natural hormonal action of the body. The possible side effects are therefore very extensive and should not be underestimated, which is why both groups of drugs are now only used in isolated cases.
Beta blockers
Actually, beta-blockers such as propranolol are medicines used in cardiac patients for the treatment of hypertension, heart failure and coronary heart disease. In the context of this application, however, a few years ago, medical professionals noticed by accident that spontaneous regression of blood sponges occurs when they are taken, as an unexpected side effect, so to speak. This effect can be explained by the vasoconstrictor effect of the drugs and could prove this in studies. Since 2014, beta-blockers have also been approved for the treatment of hemangiomas and are now the drug of choice if drug therapy is to be used. They can be applied in the form of a gel directly on the hemangioma or act as tablets via the bloodstream.
Since blood sponges are tumor growths in spite of everything, the use of anticarcinogenic drugs is theoretically possible. However, these drugs should really be used only in an emergency, so in case of permanent lack of treatment success or high risk of complications, since chemotherapeutic drugs always bring a number of massive side effects.
Operative therapy
The operative therapy consists essentially of the surgical removal, laser or cold treatment (cryotherapy) of the hemangioma. During surgical removal, the sponge is surgically removed after local anesthesia or, depending on size and location, under general anesthesia. It is used when the drug therapy does not show the desired success, surrounding structures are impaired or the emotional stress due to the blemish is very high. In any case, the treating medical team should carefully weigh the benefits and risks with those affected.
The aim of laser and cryotherapy is to destroy the structural processes in the blood sponge and to shrink the proliferation of blood vessels. However, both forms can be used only for small hemangiomas or after previous drug therapy, because they have too low a penetration depth to achieve large-area ulcers.
home remedies
The repertoire of home remedies for the treatment of hemangiomas is very broad. Many sufferers resort to this, not least because of the fact that they are brought to a state of dissatisfaction and inaction by the strategy of controlled waiting. Good results are achieved in a local application with a blend of apple cider vinegar and honey. Here, the affected area of skin is treated several times a day with this mixture. Local treatment with garlic can also cause the hemangioma to disappear. In the diet, potatoes, garlic and teas from oats and lime blossom can have a positive effect.

Naturopathic therapy
Mother Nature also has a lot in store, which has proven to be promising in the treatment of small sponges. In particular, extracts of the following plants are used as an envelope, ointment or oil:
- marigold,
- cypress,
- Tea Tree,
- Rhizinus,
- eucalyptus,
- arnica.
Specialist supervision: Barbara Schindewolf-Lensch (doctor)