Release cough mucus

Release cough mucus /
Mucous secretions are necessary for the body: they keep mucous membranes moist and form a protective layer. In addition, they serve to purify the organism. They bind foreign matter, dust and germs, and we carry these with the mucus out of the body. We can help this process with so-called slime removers. The most important facts about natural mucus removers:

  • Mucus dissolves due to moisture, sharpness and acidity. Therefore, liquid such as tea, water or soup is a must to fight against mucilage.
  • Acidic foods such as lemons and vinegar also release stuck mucus.
  • Ideal are agents that fight both the causes of mucilage as infectious diseases, as well as by their sharpness, acidity or moisture liquefy the mucus. These include garlic and onions.


  • mucilage
  • Causes of severe mucus formation
  • expectorant
  • Apple Cider Vinegar
  • reel
  • Potato Mustard Wrap
  • ginger
  • chili
  • ivy
  • Acid, water and sharpness
  • Inhale
  • garlic
  • turmeric
  • Moisten the air
  • Drink a lot
  • mustard
  • lemon
  • onion juice
  • Do not drill in the nose
  • When do the home remedies no longer help??


If sinus or bronchial congestion, mucous and ciliate hair have problems fulfilling their function. Smoking or infection causes the body to excretively excrete mucus to remove the harmful substances or pathogens. It not only produces a lot of mucus, but this is often very tough. Therefore, it hardly flows by itself and can also cough up badly. Breathing is difficult, and the number of germs in the mucus is increasing. As a result, further mucous membranes become infected. Too much secretion also covers the mucous membranes, and these are now limited in their function. The consequences: coughing, pressure and difficulty breathing. The coughing is hardly effective, and the unsuccessful attempts to get rid of the mucus, lead to muscle tension and soreness.

If too much secretion covers the mucous membranes, these are limited in their function. The consequences: coughing, pressure and difficulty breathing. The coughing is hardly effective, and the unsuccessful attempts to get rid of the mucus, lead to muscle tension and soreness. (Image: Antonioguillem /

Causes of severe mucus formation

Muciliation is often a symptom of upper respiratory tract infections, particularly by viruses, sometimes by bacteria. Other triggers are:

Exhaust gases and air pollution

People from states where automotive and industrial gases are half-controlled often think they have caught a cold when they come to Delhi or Mexico City, that is, metropolises that suffer from heavy smog. The mucus binds the foreign substances here, and the stronger the smog, the more the respiratory tract becomes entangled.


Allergies are a malfunction or overfunction of the body's immune system: the biochemical alarm now takes unproblematic substances such as pollen was a danger, and the defense of the organism begins. To ward off the "danger", the body produces more mucus secretions.


In case of asthma, the bronchi may temporarily become clogged.


On various infections, the body reacts with slime, as anyone who has ever had a flu infection or a real flu. The most obvious is the excess of mucus in chronic bronchitis, pneumonia and cystic fibrosis. In bronchitis, the bronchial ducts clog, and the cilia can only work poorly.


The proverbial smoker's cough is due to the fact that the body tries to get rid of the toxins in the cigarettes. These irritate the bronchi like mucous membranes and numb the cilia. The mucus accumulates in the bronchi, because the hair does not remove it as usual.

The proverbial smoker's cough is due to the fact that the body tries to get rid of the toxins in the cigarettes. These irritate the bronchi like mucous membranes and numb the cilia. (Image: tugolukof /


First of all: Excessive mucus production is not a disease, but on the contrary a body's defense against diseases and as such successful. However, if the mucus is tough and can not be coughed off, mucus removers are announced. These ensure that the solid mucus becomes fluid and can thus cough or sneeze. In general, do not use mucus removers right before bedtime. When falling asleep to cough, to snort and sneeze does not make sense.

Apple Cider Vinegar

An insider's tip to solve phlegm is apple cider vinegar. It is also cheap to get everywhere and just as harmless as eating a salad with dressy. The preparation of a remedy for mucus with the vinegar is extremely simple. Simply add one to two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar to a glass of warm water two to three times a day, mix in two teaspoons of honey and drink.
As with any vinegar, do not take too much. Two to three glasses with two teaspoons are enough. At high levels, vinegar can cause digestive problems because the stomach becomes acidified.


Wet wraps with healing substances can wrap you around the chest and keep the body warm, while inhaling them into the mouth like the throat. The heat relaxes the tissues, stimulates blood circulation, and the moisture helps the mucus to liquefy. If we hold the wraps in front of our noses, we dip them in a broth of water and expectorant and / or anti-infective substances such as mustard oil, horseradish, pine needles, marjoram oil or mountain pine.

Potato Mustard Wrap

Potato wraps are a secret from the time of Grandmother. For slime, mix the potatoes with plants that contain expectorants, such as mustard leaves, or add some mustard seeds when cooking. They take floury potatoes, cook them softly and then crush them in a damp cloth. To do this, they give the mustard. Put the hot cloth on the chest and leave it there until it gets cold.


Ginger is the superstar among the slime dissolvers. Not only does it very effectively loosen bladder and bronchial mucus, it also helps relieve digestive pain and contains about 30 antioxidants that fight free radicals in the body. Ginger has a strong antibacterial effect. In addition, ginger provides the body with minerals, trace elements and vitamins.

Ginger is the superstar among the slime dissolvers. Not only does it very effectively loosen bladder and bronchial mucus, it also helps relieve digestive pain and contains about 30 antioxidants that fight free radicals in the body. (Image: gitusik /


At the top of the slime removers are also chili peppers. The pungency comes from the capsaicin. This promotes blood circulation and ensures that the mucous membranes form fluid secretions. As a result, the viscous mucus thins and can flow better or be coughed out. You can season the food with chili or add chili powder in a glass of water and drink three of it a day. If it is too spicy, then refine the taste with honey and lemon juice.


The saponins in the ivy act as mucus removers. Since ivy is poisonous in large quantities, it is advisable to use ivy leaf extract from the pharmacy. This dilates the bronchi and dissolves the mucus. The mucus liquefies, and you can cough it off better.

Acid, water and sharpness

Food that contains a lot of water, is spicy and sour, acts against the mucilage. Milk, yoghurt, cheese, sugar and starch, on the other hand, promote it.

Soups are the best way to tackle the mucus through eating. If you spice it up with spicy mucus removers such as chili, ginger, black pepper, onions, chives, garlic or garlic vine, you will intensify the mucolytic effect.

Ideal is an additional splash of citrus juice from sour fruits, ie lime, lime, lemon or grapefruit. Salads do not use yoghurt dressing, but a vinegar, chopped onion, fresh garlic, chilli flakes and oil sauce. Juices such as teas with lemon, lime, lime, grapefruit and chilli, as well as especially mint tea are suitable as drinks.


To dissolve mucus, you need fluid. Even if you have no other means available, water vapor helps. Inhaling it is one of the best ways to rid the bronchi, nose, and sinuses of stuck mucus. It moisturizes mucus and mucous membranes and ensures that the secretion can drain. You only need water, a cooking pot and a towel. Heat the water until it boils, then bend over the pot, put the towel over your head, shoulders like neck, so that the water vapor can not escape and breathe several minutes deep.

Since mucus formation is often associated with inflammation, you can infuse herbs in the water, destroy the germs and slow down inflammation. These include peppermint leaves, chamomile, turmeric and sage. You can also add essential oils, which also have anti-inflammatory effects: eucalyptus, peppermint, mustard, pine needles.

An all-rounder in slime formation is also salt - normal cooking salt. Dissolve this in hot water, moisturize the mucous membranes in addition and kill germs. An old home remedy with a blocked nose is to dissolve salt in water and pull the salt water through one nostril while holding the other.

Inhaling water vapor is one of the best ways to rid the bronchi, nose and sinuses of tight mucus. An allrounder against slime formation is normal cooking salt. When dissolved in hot water, it moisturizes the mucous membranes and kills germs. (Image: Heike Rau /


Garlic is a potent natural antibiotic. So he already goes to the cause of a flu infection. Fresh garlic also dissolves through its sharpness the mucus. It stimulates blood circulation and causes secretions to form. You can eat the garlic pure, put in vinegar (double effect) or use in the food as a spice. Garlic can be excellently combined with other mucus removers such as mint, turmeric or ginger.


This oriental spice works against mucus. You can use it to spice up food, put it in water or prepare a paste of turmeric and honey. To prevent mucus, you should add so much turmeric to food that it tastes sharp, warms you inside, and you feel the secretions flow. When cooking, pay attention to the following: Indian cuisine often combines turmeric with milk or yoghurt. However, as dairy products lead to tough mucus, you should avoid such recipes, because you want to solve this stuck mucus straight.

Moisten the air

Exposure to the respiratory tract is often caused by too dry interiors. However, the higher the humidity, the better the mucus dissolves. The easiest way is to put damp cloths on a running heater. You can also set up houseplants and spray them regularly, moisten their own face with a spray gun, cover the face with damp rags, ventilate regularly, run a humidifier, or even set up an indoor fountain. If necessary, simply set up bowls filled with water in the apartment.

Drink a lot

If mucus is stuck you should always drink a lot, be it water or tea, because it is all about moisture. The liquid moisturizes mucus and mucous membranes, and the mucus can drain away. Drinking can also mean eating. To dissolve mucus, cook soups with a high water content.


Mustard products, so mustard, mustard oil and mustard powder are among the best mucus removers and are also easy to acquire. The mustard oils stimulate the circulation and ensure a strong secretion, the mucus can flow. You can use mustard in many ways: bratwurst with mustard, eggs with mustard sauce or mustard dressing salads are equally suitable for the treatment. You can also inhale mustard oil in hot water or, even easier, put a few drops of mustard oil in your nostrils.

Mustard products, so mustard, mustard oil and mustard powder are among the best mucus removers and are also easy to acquire. The mustard oils stimulate the circulation and ensure a strong secretion, the mucus can flow. (Image: tycoon101 /


The acidity of the lemon causes the body to produce more fluid and thus dissolve existing mucus. You can drizzle lemon juice into juice, water and tea, add fish splashes and salads with lemon splashes or bite into the "sour lemon".

onion juice

Those who grew up in the countryside know onion juice as a remedy for coughing and tough mucus. Cut onions into pieces, add honey or sugar, close everything airtight and leave it in the fridge overnight. As a side effect, you smell of onions, so make sure you have appointments that are offensive.

Do not drill in the nose

When phlegm becomes tough in the nose and forms crusts, the first reflex is to drill in the nose to remove it. This easily injures the mucous membrane, and by the stimulus it dries out, which makes the mucus even firmer. Instead of populating, we should moisten the nose so.

When do the home remedies no longer help??

If mucus is stuck, you should see a doctor if the expectoration, despite mucus removers, lasts for several days, the coughing hurts, you cough up blood or the stuck mucus affects toddlers, the elderly or the chronically ill. In any case, you should consult the doctor if you suffer from asthma, allergies or bronchitis. A warning sign is also when the mucus turns yellowish-green or stinks of pus. This indicates a serious infection. (Dr. Utz Anhalt)