Natural healing practice for humans and animals

Natural healing practice for humans and animals / Naturopaths

My concern is to perceive the human being in its entirety, to give him a sense of capture and understanding, no matter what depresses or hurts him. After a detailed anamnesis, the treatment concept is developed in a solution-oriented manner with the patient. Treatment focuses include: acute and chronic pain conditions; Headache migraine; Fatigue and tiredness; Metabolic diseases; psychological and emotional stress situations; Managing traumas, acute crises and anxiety; smoking cessation; Regulation of eating behavior; Addiction treatment As a form of therapy, I offer u.a. on: light acupuncture; Ear acupuncture; Hypnotherapy; Bach - flower therapy; Reiki; Traumreisen; KO AN MA - Massage; Schüssler - salts; Reflexology; Energy work and spiritual healing; Traumreisen; NLP. I also like working with children who are behavior-prone or have learning difficulties. I work once a week at a primary school with children who have learning difficulties and / or behavioral problems. Naturally I treat animals in their home environment, so there is no stress for the animal and I can observe it more relaxed. In acute cases I offer home visits, also for massages. I offer a short, informal conversation about "sniffing" for free.

Natural healing practice for humans and animals
Rungestraße 22-24
10179 Berlin
Tel: 030 - 92092161