Naturopathic practice for women's health

Naturopathic practice for women's health / Naturopaths

Non-medical practitioner in Aschaffenburg

Naturopathic practice for women Corinna Lang, alternative practitioner in Aschaffenburg
"Of course, to be in harmony - health for women"

I accompany women suffering from menstrual cramps, menstrual cramps, premenstrual syndrome, cysts, fibroids, unfulfilled childbearing, and menopausal problems in promoting hormonal balance and alleviating physical ailments. For more energy, balance and strength in everyday life.

In my natural healing practice in Aschaffenburg, I offer you a holistic treatment concept for the conservation and promotion of women's health in a natural way: with natural remedies, herbal medicine, Bach Flower Therapy and massages. An important part of my work is the Therapeutic Women's Massage (Stephenson Technique, Creative Healing by Dr. Gowri Motha, gynecologist): It regulates the female cycle and the period, the harmonization of hormone balance and the emotional balance. Likewise, the Therapeutic Women's Massage supports u.a. the diverting organs in their detoxification function and helps to regulate functional digestive disorders.

Concrete self-help tips for the home complete the individual treatment concept: These support the recovery process and promote the body's own self-healing powers.

"The secret of happiness is to be at peace with yourself."
It is important to me that women experience their female cycle harmoniously and relaxed, get a sense of themselves and their body, what is happening in them. The purpose of my work is to help women develop more joie de vivre, vitality and well-being, to positively experience their female body awareness and thus to encourage complacency and female self-esteem.

Natural healing practice for women
Corinna Lang Non-medical practitioner
Tauberstraße 15
63741 Aschaffenburg
Tel: 06021-4560098
Email: [email protected]

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