Non-medical practitioner Nicola Koch

Non-medical practitioner Nicola Koch / Naturopaths

Health, how important it is to us, we only notice when we are missing. Often it is small, inconspicuous things that bring us off balance, but sometimes with a big effect on our well-being. Finding ways to balance or (re) find that balance is the daily challenge in my natural healing practice. I would like to find the right therapy for you, for your well-being and your health. I work with various naturopathic treatments, such as Bach Flower Therapy Schüßlersalze classic homeopathy detoxification and diversion procedures orthomolecular therapy meditaping A special focus in my practice is the treatment of vegetarian / vegan living people. Here I offer special consultations on this topic. From nutritional advice to vegetarian / vegan treatment, ie. All therapies / medicines used are free from animal components. Appointments by telephone agreement or by email contact. Office hours: Mon-Fri: 8:00 am to 6:00 pm in urgent cases: Sat and Sun: 11:00 to 12:00; 17.00-18.00 clock.

Naturopathic practice Nicola Koch
Paderborn street 27
33184 Altenbeken
Tel: 05255/203022
Mail: [email protected]