Non-medical practitioner Nicola Hirsch

Non-medical practitioner Nicola Hirsch / Naturopaths

My name is Nicola Hirsch and as a naturopath I lead Integrale Heil- und LebensPraxis in Bonn, in the district of Friesdorf. The basis of my work is Integral Medicine, in which mainstream medicine, alternative or complementary medicine in their entirety are considered and integrated. I focus on the following methods: psychotherapy & coaching, classical homeopathy, orthomolecular medicine and biophoton therapy. If further healing methods are required or desired, I can involve physicians or alternative practitioners in the therapy.

Integrale Heil- und LebensPraxis Nicola Hirsch (alternative practitioner)
Prinzenstr. 148
53175 Bonn - Friesdorf (District Bad Godesberg)
Tel: 0228-3691710
Mail: [email protected]