Barrier-free Naturopathic Practice Kempener & Neutzler

Barrier-free Naturopathic Practice Kempener & Neutzler / Naturopaths

Nierstein: barrier-free naturopathic practice S. Kempener & W. Neutzler
Mozatstr. 35
5528 Nierstein
Tel: 0613350205
Email: [email protected]

Main field: The focus of our work is Ayurveda, but we also use Western-oriented diversion techniques. The Ayurveda Panchakarma cures as the most profound form of Ayurvedic medicine are regularly practiced in our practice. The practice is connected to the Ayurveda-Medical-Wellness-Hotelchen in Nierstein, so that also a stationary stay is possible. further information: