Barmer GEK wants to expand customer service

Barmer GEK wants to expand customer service / Health News

Health Insurance Barmer GEK closes half of the branches in the course of the reorganization


As reported by Barmer GEK in Berlin, the customer advisory service of the health insurance company with the highest number of employees is to be expanded further, despite the reduction of staff and offices. The reorganization saves up to 300 million euros annually, informed the health insurance. The money should be invested in benefits for the insured.

Saved administrative costs are to flow into benefits for the insured of Barmer GEK
The employees of the Barmer GEK were already informed about the new organizational structure after a meeting of the board of directors, it was said in Berlin. Above all, the mobile counseling services, the service on the Internet and the telephone counseling should be expanded according to the Barmer GEK future. The implementation of the reorganization should take place gradually until 2018.

In addition to the branches, there are 39 centers for specialist topics such as rehabilitation, nursing, hospital or medical aid, according to the cash register. „It will work more employees than before in the customer service, "said Barmer-GEK boss Christoph Straub told the news agency „dpa“. The new structure will save administrative costs of up to € 300 million a year, which will be provided to insured persons in the form of benefits.

In February, the fund announced plans to cut 3,500 jobs and halve the number of its offices. The job cuts, according to Barmer GEK but go without dismissals of equip. Then the cashier had agreed with the service union Verdi. (Ag)