Home remedies for toothache

Home remedies for toothache /

Natural home remedies for toothache

Toothache is always a case for the dentist. However, the pain usually occurs at times when the doctor of confidence has no consultation. But they may also want to try a home remedy before going into expert hands. Here are a variety of different simple means that can relieve the toothache.

Not every home remedy helps everyone. So one or the other should just be tried. Also, the gut feeling is important. For example, if there is talk of chamomile and those affected categorically reject this plant, it probably will not help. Here then another home remedy should be sought.


  • Natural home remedies for toothache
  • Home remedies from the kitchen
  • Saline solution for infections in the mouth
  • Chamomile as a home remedy for toothache
  • No heat in toothache
  • Oil pulling as a remedy
  • Propolis tincture relieves discomfort
  • Tea tree oil as an external application
  • Essential clove oil
  • What to pay attention to

Home remedies from the kitchen

The first home remedy that almost every kitchen has to offer is the onion. It is not only an important addition to many foods, but also known that externally used, for example, distribute or alleviate earache. In case of toothache, the anti-inflammatory effect of the onion also comes into play. For the treatment of the pain, the onion is chopped, wrapped in a handkerchief and then held from the outside to the cheek of the affected side. But it can also be an onion slice in the mouth, placed directly on the affected area.

The clove is known to many as a helpful home remedy for toothache. For this, the carnation is placed in the immediate vicinity of the aching tooth and bitten on it. However, placing it directly on the affected tooth can aggravate the pain, especially if there is a hole in it.

What should also help from the outside, is a savoy cabbage, whose midrib was previously removed and then rolled flat with the rolling pin. This, wrapped in a handkerchief and placed on the aching cheek, can provide relief.

Saline solution for infections in the mouth

Salt is really present in every household and can therefore easily be used as a home remedy for toothache. Half a teaspoon of salt, preferably a high-quality salt, such as a Himalayan salt or a sea salt, is placed in a glass of warm water and stirred until the salt has dissolved. A small sip of it, left in the mouth for about two minutes, should relieve the pain. It is important to spit out the saline solution. Swallowing too much salt can cause nausea & vomiting. This home remedy should not be used by children, as they are often unable to spit out the saline solution again.

In Russian medicine, rinsing with high-proof vodka is a method to disinfect inflammation. To do this, leave a small glass of vodka in your mouth. Again, do not swallow the rinse, but spit it out after 2 minutes. After a while, the rinse can be repeated.

Toothache can be caused by cysts. (Image: Henrie / fotolia.com)

Chamomile as a home remedy for toothache

Chamomile is a well-known, widely used home remedy. It is also used for toothache. Chamomile flowers wrapped in some gauze, soaked in hot water and then placed on the sore spot, when the chamomile packet has cooled to a lukewarm temperature. There, the "Association" can stay for some time and possibly renewed again.

No heat in toothache

Toothache should never be worked with too much heat, as it allows existing bacteria to reproduce better. Cold, however, is usually perceived as pleasant. An ice pack, wrapped in a towel, held no longer than 15 minutes on the affected cheek, has an analgesic and decongestant effect. Especially after a tooth extraction, cooling is very important.

A very simple home remedy for toothache is pressing an acupressure point. This is located in the hollow between the nose and upper lip and is pressed firmly for about two to three minutes to relieve the pain. Another frequently used item, even in acupuncture, is the Acupuncture Colon 4 on the hand. To find this, the thumb and forefinger are brought together. This creates a skin fold near the base of the thumb. At its highest point is the acupuncture point. This can be needled in the acupuncture, but also be pressed for a few minutes to provide relief for toothache.

Another home remedy is alcohol. This is not drunk, but kept only for a short time in the mouth and then spat out. Cognac and vodka are suitable for this. In children, this is of course absolutely contraindicated. Also, mouthwash, especially if it contains clove oil, can perform well in toothache.

The ingredients of the cloves counteract toothache. (Image: fovito / fotoia.com)

Oil pulling as a remedy

"Oil pulling" is now on everyone's lips. The mouth is rinsed with a cold-pressed, high-quality sunflower or sesame oil. About one tablespoon of the oil should be kept in the mouth for a few minutes. This has an antiviral and antibacterial effect. Oil pulling is also a good method of prevention to improve the milieu in the oral cavity. In no case should the oil be swallowed because it contains germs from the mouth. For the "disposal" of the oil a paper handkerchief is recommended. The spitting into the sink of the sink could possibly lead to blockages of the drain and additionally burden the circulation of our drinking water.

The effect of sage has long been known. So this affects not only throat or throat pain, but also pain in the mouth. Repeated rinsing with a sage solution can relieve toothache.

Sage is an old home remedy. It relieves cold problems but also toothache. (Image: Floydine / fotolia.com)

The well-known monastery woman Melissengeist must not be forgotten in the list. This dripped drop by drop on the tooth shows in many cases good effect. However, the application usually needs to be repeated frequently.

Propolis tincture relieves discomfort

The following home remedies that can be used for dental problems are not necessarily in every household. This includes, for example, the propolis tincture. This has a variety of applications. It is used to increase the immune system, for the treatment of allergies, for sore throats, for colds, but also for toothache. Either rinse and gargle with diluted propolis tincture or apply directly to the painful area.

Tea tree oil as an external application

Similar effect shows the tea tree oil, which also has a large application area. This oil is mainly known in external use as a home remedy for athlete's foot or insect bites. Dropping on a glass of lukewarm water helps with sore throats and can also relieve toothache. Purely applied to the painful area, the use should be made only in homeopathic amounts.

Furthermore, the attempt with stone clover, also known as honey clover, against the toothache is worthwhile. Add a few drops of the tincture in a glass of water to rinse or gargle. Also, the stone clover tea can be used for this. Sheep's tea is also said to help against toothache. It is drunk in the evening and in the morning in each case a cup. In addition, rosemary leaves are certainly not found in every household, but can also help with toothache when chewed.

In addition, various healing stones can be used to treat pain in the mouth. According to the approaches of the Steinheilkunde, the blue calcite and the amber are suitable for this purpose. The latter is known to positively support teething in infants and toddlers. For toothache, the stone is held for a while on the affected cheek side.

Essential clove oil

Instead of the clove already mentioned, the alternative clove oil can be used as an alternative. This, as well as the tea tree oil, very carefully dabbed in the least amount on the affected area. An ancient home remedy is also the myrrh tincture, simple and inexpensive. This can be diluted as a rinse or pur applied to help against toothache. Cinnamon oil is also a remedy that our grandmothers have already used as a home remedy for toothache. This is applied undiluted to the aching tooth. But here too the principle is "less is more".

The enjoyment of green tea is generally very healthy. However, this can also be used as a mouthwash solution to address pain in the oral cavity.

What to pay attention to

Toothache has a variety of causes. Home remedies serve to alleviate these a little, is the passage to the dentist pending. Caution applies when using home remedies, especially after tooth extraction (tooth removal). The removal of a tooth creates an opening into which germs should never penetrate. So here are primarily only mouthwashes suitable. Direct application of any solutions or oils is contraindicated. This also applies after root canal treatments.

Home remedies in no case replace the walk to the dentist. When mouth is open, rinsing and gargling are generally preferable to direct contact with oils, tinctures or spices.

When applying tinctures or essential oils, care must be taken that they are used only in homeopathic doses. Otherwise, already existing inflammations may worsen and possibly also make the toothache worse.

Especially when using essential oils, pay attention to quality and purity. Not every oil is suitable for oral use. Impure oils can cause unpleasant side effects such as inflammation, allergy or nausea. (Sw)