Home remedy for winter depression

Home remedy for winter depression /

Home remedy for winter depression

Many people suffer from depressed mood, lack of drive and increased fatigue in winter. Which home remedy to help against a winter depression and what preventive measures you can take, read here. Depressive moods in the dark season often begin already as autumn depression and are not least caused by lack of light. While St. John's wort and warm colors replace the lack of sunlight, a blood-purifying autumn cure can rid the body of bodily toxins.


  • Home remedy for winter depression
  • Autumn cure for blood purification
  • Ausleitverfahren
  • Mineral rich diet in winter depression
  • Exercise in the fresh air lifts the mood
  • St. John's wort tea against despondency
  • Sensory stimulation against winter depression
  • Aromatherapy for the mental balance

Autumn cure for blood purification

Depressed mood, chronic tiredness as well as exhaustion and fatigue in the dark months of the year can indicate an overacidification of the body. Because especially in winter, the everyday life of many people is characterized by too little exercise and fresh air and an excess of acidifying foods (sweets, mulled wine, sausage, etc.).

Many people feel constantly tired, depressed and without energy in the winter. This can be due to acidification of the body. (Image: FotoLyriX / fotolia.com)

A blood cleansing cure in early fall can prevent winter depression in this case. The application uses it to remove toxins and waste products from your body, which otherwise lead to acidification of the body tissues and impede the most important detoxification organs in their work.

So that you do not "louse your lice", you do not "overflow the bile" and every little thing "beats on the stomach" or "goes to the kidneys", let the pharmacist put together the following herbal mixture in time, the metabolism and metabolism Excretion stimulates.

Medicinal herbal mixture for blood cleansing treatment:

  • 20 g dandelion herb and root
  • 10 g of field horsetail
  • 10 g nettle leaves
  • 5 g birch leaves
  • 5 g rosehip fruits

Application: Pour 2 teaspoons of the herbs with 0,25 l of boiling water and let the mixture steep for 10 - 15 minutes. For about 4-6 weeks, three cups of the tea should be drunk daily. The cure also helps to lose excess weight and counteract rheumatic complaints, impure skin and pimples.


There are a number of other methods to rid the body in the event of acidification of pollutants and toxins - for example, through the skin. These so-called diversion methods are particularly useful if the deposited substances are not simply eliminated via the connective tissue or lymphatic system. The proven natural remedies for detoxification and deacidification in hyperacidity include cupping and Baunscheidt therapy.

Diversion methods such as cupping have a long tradition in naturopathy. The methods are used to rid the body of toxins. (Image: llhedgehogll / fotolia.com)

Mineral rich diet in winter depression

The winter diet should be rich in iron, potassium and magnesium.

iron is necessary for blood formation and thus increases vitality and zest for life. Therefore, eat plenty of soybean meal, soybeans, rose hips, lentils and nettle leaves, raisins, grapes, red cabbage and beetroot, especially in times of fatigue and drive poverty, to avoid iron deficiency.

The popular lamb's lettuce helps against winter depression, because the vitamin and iron rich valerian greenhouse has a soothing effect and dispels bad winter mood. Furthermore, in natural medicine the curative use of concentrated plant extracts (for example "herbal blood" in the health food store) with high iron content is recommended.

potassium is one of the most vital minerals. It is considered the Mineral for the nervous system and is important for optimal liver function. So in the case of irritability, fatigue and exhaustion, eat pears, plums, green beans, peas, carrots, potatoes, kale, soybeans, peanuts, hazelnuts and almonds as early as autumn.

magnesium Among other things, it is considered to be a mineral remedy for stress relief, which is not least attributed an antidepressant effect due to its "intimate" relationship to the light. The mineral counteracts an imbalance in the acid-base balance (hyperacidity) and improves cellular respiration.

Magnesium has a mood-enhancing effect and should therefore be sufficiently absorbed, especially in winter. Amply contained is the "mineral of inner peace" for example in nuts and seeds. (Image: George Dolgikh / fotolia.com)

For example, magnesium contains soybeans, oats, whole grain rice, wheat seedlings, white beans and lentils. Other foods that can prevent magnesium deficiency include coconuts, cashews, almonds, peanuts, peanuts, cucumbers and radishes. Attention It is advisable to eat quark excessively, as it is supposed to extract more magnesium from the body, just like too much alcohol, caffeine, refined sugar and white flour.

Exercise in the fresh air lifts the mood

In winter depressions with depression, increased need for sleep and increased desire to eat is usually based on a lack of light. To counteract the depressed mood, as much time as possible should be spent outdoors. Because light and air can relieve sadness and help the body to become active.

Walks against the winter blues are always worthwhile - even in light snow and dense clouds in the sky, as the light outside is more intense than when we absorb it from within.

St. John's wort tea against despondency

In addition, the lack of light can be effectively regulated with St. John's Wort.

Recipe for St. John's wort tea

  1. Put 2 heaped teaspoons of dried St. John's wort in a pot
  2. Cover with 0.25 l of cold water and bring the mixture to a boil on the stove
  3. After a few minutes, remove the liquid
  4. Drink two to three cups of the tea daily

Important: Since the full effect of St. John's wort sets in only two to three weeks, should be started in October with the Teekur.

Tip: Although ready-to-use St. John's wort preparations (e.g., fresh juice or tablets) are available at the pharmacy, tea is preferred over a winter low. Because this warms additionally from the inside and its enjoyment can be considered as a relaxing healing ritual.

St. John's wort tea counteracts the dejection of a winter depression. (Image: LianeM / fotolia.com)

Sensory stimulation against winter depression

Throughout the year, colors and fragrances enliven our senses and unfold their effect on the physical and mental level. In winter, however, when everything looks gray and bland outside, the soul enjoys such sensual impressions.

Warm and uplifting To dye In our environment, the lack of sunlight can replace it, whether as a piece (wallpaper) wallpaper, in the form of sheets or colorful curtains. In health food stores and health food stores, you can buy bath products in your favorite colors and color your bath water as you wish.

In the kitchen, the domestic color therapy can also be used well. When cooking, add some saffron to the rice, the beetroot soup with a dash of coconut milk, and use blue French truffle potatoes for the winter potato soup to deliberately bring light and color into everyday kitchen life.

Aromatherapy for the mental balance

Many people suffer from an autumn-winter blues. Aroma oils as an additive in bath water, aroma lamp or body oil can also have a favorable influence on the mood.

Lavender, in particular, has a reputation for balancing and soothing the organism. Furthermore, bergamot, vervain, geranium, neroli, rosewood, patchouli, palmerosa, orange and lemon to counteract depression, melancholy and drive weaknesses. Which oils are used for the aromatherapy against winter depression, should be selected according to your own preferences. (jvs, nr, last updated on 23.11.2016)