Home remedies for warts

Home remedies for warts /

Remove warts with natural home remedies

Home remedies can help against warts. These are neoplasms caused by viruses. Although they are benign, they can be contagious and multiply. Especially in the face, the small growths are perceived as very unpleasant, which is why those affected want to get rid of them as soon as possible. In some cases, they simply appear and eventually disappear by themselves. Those who do not want to get involved can use one of the proven home remedies for warts that we would like to introduce to you here.


  • Remove warts with natural home remedies
  • Herbal home remedies for warts
  • Natural treatment of warts with banana
  • Remove warts with propolis
  • Homeopathy and Schüssler salts in warts
  • Relief by "discussing" the wart
  • Lemon juice and garlic against skin growths
  • Prevention of warts

Herbal home remedies for warts

As an effective old home remedy for stubborn warts is still today castor oil. It is cold pressed from the seeds of the castor plant and completely freed of its poisonous ingredients by steam treatment. Repeated rubbing of the affected areas on the hands and face with a few drops of the fat, thick oil daily should cause them to become smaller and eventually disappear.

Warts can be treated by various means. (Image: leschnyhan / fotolia.com)

The juice of a celandine leaf, which is washed and grated together with stems between the fingers, is also used in the experience of the regression of warts, if they are regularly dabbed directly with it. Alternatively, a celandine cream of 10 ml celandine mother tincture from the pharmacy and 100 g of well-tolerated cream are made, which is painted three times daily on the skin growths.

As other herbal home remedies are pure natural tea tree oil, marigold ointment, Sweden bitters and spurge known. Delicate, soft warts form according to tradition, when they are coated with the juice of the milkweed. Often, the sticky juice of the miracle dandelion is recommended for external use against warts and corns.

Natural treatment of warts with banana

Banana peels can be a good help in self-treatment. For this method cut a small piece from the shell (slightly larger than the growth itself) and stick this with the help of a patch on the affected area. The banana skin contains certain enzymes that cause the wart to disappear and not regenerate. The banana peel dressing may remain on the spot overnight or overnight, but must be renewed daily. In order to be successful, it is important that the treatment be carried out regularly.

Banana skin can help warts due to the enzymes it contains. (Image: M. Schuppich / fotolia.com)

Remove warts with propolis

Another proven home remedy is propolis (also called bee or putty resin). This is a resinous mass made by bees for the purpose of sealing the hive. At the same time, propolis contains many highly effective ingredients to inhibit or kill the bacteria, viruses and fungi introduced into the cane or to kill them.

The beech gum resin has an analgesic effect, strengthens the body's immune system and contains natural salicylic acid, which is one of the most common methods for the treatment of warts. Accordingly, the brown-yellow, resinous mass is well suited for self-treatment of small skin growths - if there are no allergies to bee or wasp stings, honey and royal jelly.

Propolis are available in different dosage forms. You can e.g. Heat the pure resin with your hands until it becomes kneadable and fix it on the wart with a plaster. This can help kill the viruses and eliminate the growth. Alternatively, many pharmacies offer tinctures and ointments that are applied to the affected area several times a day to remove warts.

Homeopathy and Schüssler salts in warts

For home use, homeopathy is mainly Thuja used, because the tree of life most closely corresponds to the symptoms of the most common warts. These are single, large and touch-sensitive skin growths that are tawny or dark in color. A red yard is visible around the warts, while the surface is cracked.

Stalked warts with a horny surface, which are mainly found on the fingers, nose and eyelids, speak up causticum on. The growths but liquid and blood.

Antimonium crudum may be the appropriate remedy, when broad horny growths occur especially on the soles of the feet and are accompanied by calluses. The fingers are sometimes affected.

Schüssler salts: For the recovery of warts, it is recommended that potassium chloratum D6 (no. 4) is mixed daily with sodium chloratum D6 (no. 8), each 3 x 1 tablet, in the mouth. Externally, the small tumor can be additionally brushed several times daily with potassium chloratum ointment.

Relief by "discussing" the wart

Warts can be influenced by suggestions, be it by oneself or by strangers. Even today, the growths are "discussed" by healers or made to disappear as a modern version with hypnosis and self-hypnosis. Children can sometimes even "buy" the warts. Frequently, the skin structures disappear quickly after the "purchase contract" has come about.

Lemon juice and garlic against skin growths

The dabbing of the warts with a solution of one tablespoon of vinegar and salt is to destroy them as well as frequent rubbing with dry soap or garlic. Peel a fresh garlic clove and slice. The wart is rubbed with the disc, then it is fixed with the cut side down using a patch on the affected area and left overnight. The next morning, remove the garlic and repeat the process if necessary in the evening, until the wart has disappeared.

Vitamin A and C are designed to stimulate the skin's defenses. It is recommended to open the vitamin capsules and apply the contents to the warts. Alternatively, you can rub the wart three to four times a day with a piece of fresh lemon. Then let the sour juice of the citrus fruit dry on the affected area.

Lemon juice is a proven home remedy for unsightly skin growths. (Image: Joshua Resnick / fotolia.com)

Prevention of warts

Since warts are caused by viruses, only limited precautionary measures can be taken. Almost all types of warts are caused by an infection with human papillomavirus (HPV), which are so resistant to the environment that they are hardly combated with conventional disinfectants. Nevertheless, in places with a high risk of infection such as Swimming pools, saunas or hotel rooms some hygiene rules help to minimize the risk.

It is advisable to wear slippers and use your own towels, which are then washed at least 60 degrees. Dry the interstices of fingers and toes after each bath or shower well. Take care of your health, because a weak immune defense favors warts.

Important is a balanced diet and regular exercise in the fresh air. Further proven measures that strengthen the immune system are, for example, a customized Bach flower therapy or the hydrotherapy of Pastor Kneipp.
(updated on 26.7.2016; jvs, nr)